Chapter 20 - Princess Jessica

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‘I’m really sorry oppa, I can’t return back the love you deserve.’

‘Why do I have to be a princess?  I don’t want to be one anymore.’  Jessica cried helplessly as she sobbed and sniffled.

Unknowingly, she fell asleep. Her tear stains were visible on both of her cheeks. The wet stain caused by her tears were also seen on her pillow.

After what seemed like 3 hours, Jessica was awoke by a tap. She peeked out of the covers to see her brother. “I brought you some warm milk.” He smiled at her as he placed the glass of milk on the luxury glass bedside table. Jessica sat up on her bed, she gradually took the glass of milk then drank it. “Do you want to take a bath and change?” Yunho asked, once again being the considerate brother he is. Jessica nodded, not waning to speak. “I’ll get the maids to fill the bathtub for you.” He patted her head gently before leaving her bedroom. After a mere 2 minutes, He came back with a plate of cookies. “Thought you might want some with your milk.” He gave her a smile. Jessica knew what he was doing. He was pretending as if nothing was wrong so eventually she would open up to him. “Oppa..” She spoke in a small voice. She wanted to talk but once she thought about mentioning Key’s name, she would think about him. Once she thought about Key, the image of him with tears streaming down would just upset herself. “It’s okay. You can tell me later. Now you just need a bath to relax and clear out your mind.” Yunho patted her hand softly. Jessica once again nodded.

Once Jessica was finished with her relaxing bath and was changed into her own clothes; Yes, her luxury expensive clothes, she entered her bedroom to see Yunho sitting on the beige couch by the window.

Once Jessica sat down, Yunho ruffled her damp hair with a caring smile. “Silly girl, whenever you have a problem just come to me. Don’t endure the pain by yourself, Araso?”

Jessica appreciated Yunho’s caring towards her. He is the best brother anyone could have. “Oppa, we broke up.” Jessica finally brought up the topic. She fiddled with the hem of her shirt while lowering her head. Yunho remained quite, he knew she just wanted a listener. “I was hurting him. What hurt me the most was he was being hurt physically and emotionally because he was dating me. He was kidnapped yesterday and he didn’t even tell me.”

Yunho’s eyes slightly widen. “Kidnap?” Jessica nodded with a frown. “He couldn’t even sleep properly because his back was aching.” Jessica commented. “I knew I had to break up with him. Because sooner or later we would be apart. Once my 3 months end, I know I will have to leave him.” Jessica fought back her tears. She already missed Key dearly. “Sica ah, I know you are hurting too but it was the right thing to do.” Yunho patted her head gently. “I know, but I didn’t know that it would be like this. My heart hurts when I think of him now.”

Yunho let out a small sigh. He then opened his mouth to talk however Jessica spoke first. “I know, I’m a princess. I’m a book, I can’t change anything.” Jessica sighed deeply. “But.. I really love him.” Jessica choked out the words, her tears rolling down once again. Yunho pulled her into his arms, Jessica was hurting and he felt it.

“I’m back now and Appa is going to make me marry Seungho now. It was the only choice I had, I didn’t want to hurt Key more.” She cried into Yunho’s chest. It was the second time Yunho had seen Jessica cry like that. In one day, Jessica had cried out a river twice because of Kim Ki Bum.

“I don’t want to marry Seungho. I don’t want to leave Key. Oppa, I don’t want to be a princess anymore.” She sobbed. Yunho hushed her down as he rubbed her back, comforting her. “Sica ah, Appa doesn’t know any of this. Don’t tell him anything. If he ask why did you come back tell him that you just miss home. I’ll help you through this.” Yunho assured her. Jessica nodded as she looked up at him. “I’m always here for you, okay? Even if I’m out of the country or in a middle of a meeting, I’ll come to you straight away if you need me.” He said with a gentle voice. “Me too!” Tiffany’s cheerful voice was heard. Jessica and Yunho looked over at the door and the rest of the royal siblings were walking in. A small smile slowly appeared on Jessica’s face. She was grateful to have them by her side. “Thanks, Unnie.” Jessica gave Tiffany a hug. “I’m sorry for making all of you worry.”

The Life Of A Princess [fanfic] - COMPLETE! :)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ