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Chapter 8: bad feeling

In the midst of crowds, one girl particularly stood out from the rest of the crowds. From the very beginning she walks to the school, she already been label as 'The Goddess'. Female nor Male, both are drawn towards her charms. From her hair to her eyes, everything about her makes people stop at what they're doing and start gawking at her.

Because of the constant stare she got, Alice inwardly search a quiet place for her to relive her so called stress. After a while, she found a lone bench beside a big old maple tree, and felt like she has found the perfect place. After sitting down a bit, Alice longly sigh. Alice forgot to check the school schedule, and come 2 hours earlier! Maybe she's to excited? Or maybe her parents drove the car to fast? Honestly Alice didn't know. She only could bitterly laugh now that she's gonna die out of boredom. Ah, so stupid.

Although she has photographic memory, she just plainly forgot about it. Next time I'll be careful, Alice state in her mind. Looking back at her schedule, Alice reread to double check.

First is the ceremonial opening in the main hall. If she walks from the bench to there it would likely take her for 10 minuets. Normal people most likely arrived in 30 minuets.

Second is the testing field, this particular test is to determine your Class, starting SSS, SS, S, A and so on. The SSS class is so rare that last year Student only have 10 in those class!

Third is the Quirk test, it determent your stamina, speed, durability, skills, and your ranks among other students. This unique ranking only have in this Academy only. Take a picture that this year have 500 new student, then there's 500 total rankings for 500 students. Each student earn their ranking by this test, if you have a strong Quirk, you'll most likely get the top 100th. In this school, if you manage to enter the top 100 you will receive a special privilege, and you will have a higher authority than any other student. But still, even tough you've got into the top 100th you must respect who has a ranking above you. That's the rule. So in other words, this ranks determined your social platform, whenever you're weak or strong. Reminding her of the jungle law.

The lower ranking student CAN challenge to higher ones to switch place. But the gap cannot be more than 5. For example, the 75th rank student challenged the 73rd rank student. If 75th won, then ultimately that place is for 75th. Such a cruel world indeed. That's why there is a lot of bullying cases in this school. Alice didn't like it for one bit, the stronger always bullies the weak. Tch, I hate those feeling. Reminding her previous life she experienced.

Alice squint her eyes a bit, thinking carefully for her next plan. While one of her hand is-tangling at her hair, other is resting itself under her chin to support her head. dozing off to her abyss mind of wonder. A sudden light 'tap' on her shoulder woke her up from her daydream, startling her and Leo. Her line of sight sifted towards her left shoulder, while inside she's scolding Leo for not warning her.

Her crystal green eyes were met with an soft brown eyes, a bob chocolaty hair comes to her view, giving a fresh vibe to anyone. Anyone except Alice. "Um, do you know where's the way out? I'm kinda lost here."

Alice softly smile then replied, "walk straight ahead and turn left," returning her Alice smile with her own then do a slight bow towards her. After the girl figure was gone, Alice suddenly ask Leo about that girl profile, Leo was confuse by this, but Alice won't give him the answer, so he just do what his host said~

When the girl start to talk, Alice felt ominous feeling in her gut. Something that felt like a horrible deja vu. She could sense it, she knew that. In her previous life she never met that girl, but this body she occupy right now, tells a whole different story.


The newcomer student was busy looking for their own seat, while the teacher is preparing their speech. The same goes to the school council president. Alice watch all of the play, making her bored to death. Her row of seat is packed with girls all over the place, as expected from father, she helplessly sigh. Leo, noticing his host frequent sigh thought that his host is tired and need some rest. "Leo, did you Finnish scanning her?" Alice voice snaps Leo thought, which Leo immediately respond to her.

[Yes I do Host, her name is Lilian Rodney]

After waiting a minuet or so she impatiently ask again, "is that all?" What's with his host suddenly mood? Did she has a mood swings?

[Hm~ I only found that, she's from an average family and she's the Second child]

Leo answer truthfully while concerning his host whereabouts. Noticing Leo worries, Alice calm herself down a bit.

That girl is suspicious. Alice notice that the girl didn't wear the same uniform as her, so she's definitely not from here. Besides that, the girl demeanor makes her feel frustrated and resentment. Which Alice found herself weird. Does the original Alice meet this girl before she replace her soul?

Her train of thought suddenly stop as a ringing sound vibrate throughout the hall. Silencing everyone that's speaking. Making Alice snap out of her daze. After making sure the hall is quite, the principal makes his entrance to the podium. "Greetings students."

An overbearing yet firm voice echo trough the hall. Taking her entire sight towards the head master. "Wellcome to Revier Academy, where all of my precious student can learn and experience new things!" Alice shift her sitting position into a more 'comfortable' one, and sets her gaze back towards the head master.

"I hope for all students exceed and achieve great things for these year new students!" Alice boringly listen as she remember her father words. If she's not mistaken, that principal over there on the podium, is her father brother, or in other words, her uncle.

"By that, I official state. All students are official accept to Riever Academy!"

The students there all at the same time stand up and clap their hands for congratulating themselves and others. Which Alice includes too. Other than a clapping sound, she also heard a happy cries amongst the student. Hearing that, Alice asking herself, why I got a different feelings after this? Well, unbeknown to her, that feeling just turn into reality. But, that's for the next chapter~

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End Of Chapter 8
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