Chapter 18 - Yoona's plan fail?

Start from the beginning

Yoona took Key back to her house, Of course; her parents weren’t there to witness Yoona in the middle of her plan. Yoona successfully brought Key to her couch, she laid him down then proceeded to get a warm damp towel for him. She came back to the living room then crouch down beside it. She gently placed the towel on Key’s forehead. As she did, she slowly caressed his cheek.

“Oppa..” She called out for him softly. “Key oppa..” She slightly shook his arm. After several times of calling his name, Donghae finally made some movement. He moaned in pain while trying to open his eyes. Once he opened his eyes widely, he immediately shot up. “Yoona don’t come over!” He exclaimed. Yoona hushed him down, she patted his shoulder. “Oppa, Everything is fine now. You’re safe.” Yoona assured him. Key stopped panting then looked around his surroundings. “I brought you back to my house, you’re fine now.” Yoona spoke again with a smile. Key’s breathing then became steady again. “Yoona, what happened? How did I get here? Did they hurt you?” Key asked, of course being the gentlemen he was; he was worried about Yoona too. Yoona gave him a small nod, assuring that she was fine.

“Oppa, when we both left the restaurant,  I forgot to tell you that you can have your day off tomorrow so I went after you. Then I saw some guys kidnapping you so I got onto a taxi and followed them from behind. I got there and stood outside the abandon house, waiting for the right timing to go in. I called my uncle who is a police too. So when he arrived we went inside the house. Those guys that kidnapped you are gone now.” Yoona once again made up a big lie. Key nodded slowly, believing her story. “Yoona, you shouldn’t have came in. It was really dangerous.” Key said softly, he was thankful that Yoona had saved him. Yoona gave him a small smile. “Oppa, can I say something?”

Key nodded. “The fortune teller.. She was right about everything.” Yoona bit her lower lip, acting worried. Key lowered his head a little as he sighed. “What can I do, Yoona?  I can’t leave Jessica.” He spoke. “What the fortune teller said was correct. Everything was. The puppy, something bad happening and you, she said you are the girl that will shield away all the bad luck for me. And you did, you saved me.” Key spoke. Yoona listened carefully to what he was saying. “But Yoona, the one I love is Jessica.” Key added sincerely. Yoona silently let out a sigh. “But oppa..” “Yoona, thanks for your concern. But I won’t leave Jessica.”

Yoona couldn’t take it anymore, she was getting angrier each second. Her plan wasn’t working, he wasn’t convinced at all. “Oppa, Look what Jessica is doing to you? She’s bringing trouble to you! Don’t you see it? She’s a princess, You two won’t be together forever!” Yoona let out her anger. Key was taken back by Yoona’s sudden outburst, however he remained calm. “Yoona, I know you.. Like me. But I only think of you as a younger sister. I love Jessica and nothing will change that. Please accept that. I really hope we can just be good friends.” Key gave her a small smile. Yoona was annoyed by his words. Nothing was going her way. “Yoona, I have to go back home now. Jessica is probably worried about me.” Key stood up weakly from the couch. Yoona could only nod her head. She was speechless. ‘Maybe it wasn’t even worth it.’ She thought. “Sorry for yelling at you.” Yoona apologised, she knew she couldn’t just ruin her image like that. Key gave her a small smile then patted her shoulder. “It’s okay. I know you’re just worried about me.”

“I’ll call you a taxi.” Yoona gave him a brief smile then took out her phone to call the taxi. Key nodded at her. While Yoona was on the phone, Key quickly sent a message to Jessica. Assuring her that he was fine.

“Oppa, Does your head hurt? Do you want to go to the hospital?” Yoona asked him while putting her phone aside. “I’m okay. My head and shoulder just hurts a little. But its not any major injuries. Strangely, it seems like the kidnappers were holding back or something. They didn’t seem like kidnappers.” Yoona laughed nervously at his comment. “Haha, Yeah that’s strange.” “Well oppa, you have your day off tomorrow so you can rest. If you want, you can take two days off.” Yoona said to him. Key smiled at her thoughtfulness. “Thanks, I think I might actually take two days off cause I don’t think I can work properly with an aching shoulder.” Yoona nodded, giving him a smile.

Soon, after several minutes Key had left Yoona place. Yoona watched as Key entered the taxi. Her feelings was confusing her. ‘Should I continue on with the fight or just forget about it? He doesn’t love me. But do I have the ability to change that? Aish, Yoona. Be strong!’ She thought to herself.


Once Key arrived back to his condo, He opened the door to see a very concerned Jessica. It was already 2 in the morning and Jessica was sitting in the living room waiting for him. “Oppa! Are you okay?” Jessica rushed over to Key’s side. Key gave her an assuring smile. However, once her hand touched his shoulder; He winced in pain. “What happened?” Jessica looked into Key’s eyes, she was worried about him. “Nothing, I just got into a fight.” He lied. He didn’t want Jessica to think that it was her fault that he was in such a bad situation. “A fight? Why did you get into a fight?”

“Jessica ah, I’m really tired right now. Can I tell you tomorrow?” He gave her his best puppy eyes. Jessica knitted her eyebrows together, something was bugging her. “Are you really okay?” She asked, wanting to confirm that he was fine. Key nodded with a smile “Since you’re fine then it doesn’t matter. You don’t have to explain, as long as your back home safe and sound.” Jessica gave him a warm smile. She slightly tiptoed then kissed him on the forehead. “Thanks for understanding me, Jessica.” Key spoke in his soft voice. Jessica smiled at him. “I’m going to take a shower first then head for bed. You should sleep too.” Key caressed her cheek gently. Jessica nodded like a child. “I’ll make you some warm milk first. You should drink it before going to sleep.” Jessica spoke. Key nodded then pecked her on the cheek. He then went to take a refreshing shower.

While Jessica was making Key his warm drink, her phone went off. She walked over to the dining table to grab her phone. She raised an brow as the caller ID was in private. She then answered the call, curious on who was calling at such a late time. “Hello?”  “ Princess Jessica.” Jessica knew that voice straight away. “Prince Seungho, thanks for calling. But its really late now and..” She was cut of by him. “Meet me tomorrow at 11am. I want to discuss something with you.”

“Prince Seungho, I don’t think we have anything to discuss about. You’re already living in the mansion, what else do you want? I haven’t stepped back into the mansion yet, so don’t tell me you want to discuss about the marriage with me. Because there won’t be a wedding.” Jessica knew she was rude but the fact that her father had made a sly decision without telling her, she was just angry.

Jessica heard no response from Seungho. She bit her lower lip, she knew she wasn’t suppose to let her anger out on him. It was probably her father begging him to stay at their mansion. She thought.

“I’m sorry, Prince Seungho. I’m just angry that Appa made decisions without even asking for my opinion.”  “It’s okay. I understand.” “So may I ask, Why do you want to see me tomorrow? Is it something important?” Jessica asked, this time more polite. “I actually want to talk to you about Key.”

Jessica was confused by his words. “Why? What’s wrong?” She asked. Seungho then spoke. “I will tell you tomorrow. Meet me at the restaurant we went to last time at 11.”    “But I have work, I have to be there before 11.”  “I had already asked if you could go in late tomorrow. They said you’re allowed to go in at 1.” Jessica was slightly annoyed that Seungho was already making decisions for her. “Okay, I’ll see you at 11.”

“See you tomorrow then, Princess Jessica. And don’t tell anyone about this meeting.” Before Jessica could ask why, He had already hung up. Jessica stared at her phone confusingly. “Who were you talking to?” Key walked out of the bathroom with damp hair. “Oh, it was just Minho oppa. Oppa, here’s your milk. Drink it before you go to sleep.” Jessica handed Key his mug of warm milk.  She didn’t want Key to know it was Seungho mainly because she knew he disliked him and because Seungho said not to tell anyone. She knew it was stupid for her to meet up with Seungho but since it had something to do with Key, she was curious about it.

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