Chapter 17 - Taecyeon's gang

Start from the beginning

“Prince Seungho had moved into the mansion!”

Jessica’s eyes widen once she read what was written on the piece of paper. “That’s not fair!” Jessica angrily crossed her arms. “Appa is not following our deal.” She muttered, annoyed about her father’s actions. “What are you going to do?” Jonghyun asked, concerned. “I’m going to go home and talk to him about it.” She stated. Minho and Jonghyun shook their head, disapproving of her idea. “Why?” Jessica slightly pouted. Minho then spoke gently. “If you go back, you won’t be able to come back here.” Though it was just a simple short sentence, Jessica understood him. “Maybe King Jung just wants him to stay for the mean time.” Jonghyun commented, assuring Jessica. Jessica let out a sigh as she lowered her head a little. “Come on, Let’s take Bum out for a walk.” Jonghyun clapped his hands together, bringing the atmosphere back up. “Key is working right now.” Minho knitted his eyebrows together. Jessica and Jonghyun burst out laughing, That’s when Minho realised his mistake. “Oh you mean, This Bum.” Minho pointed towards Baby Bum who was scratching herself. Jessica nodded while chuckling.


Key was just finished with his work, The Im’s restaurant was closing up. The employees were all cleaning up before leaving.  “See you all tomorrow!” Yoona waved at her employee’s. Key was kind enough to wait till Yoona locks up the restaurant. “Thanks for waiting Oppa. You can go home now, See you tomorrow.” Yoona smiled at him. Key nodded then gave Yoona a brief wave before walking the opposite way. Yoona pretended as if she was walking down the street, however after walking the opposite way for 10 seconds, she quickly turned around and followed Key secretly. She knew Key would always walk pass a small alley to go to the bus stop quicker. Yoona quickly gave her friend Taecyeon, a text message.

Once Key walked into the alley, Yoona waited outside. Not many people were walking around the streets because of the late time, therefore Yoona knew it was just the perfect timing. Within another 1 minute, Yoona walked into the alley. She walked further in and saw a three tall figure surrounding someone that was lying on the floor. “Yah, I said kidnap him! Not abuse him!” Yoona ran up to Key who was lying on the floor, unconscious. Thankfully there was no blood. Taecyeon then spoke in his deep voice. “Yoona, How can we kidnap him if we don’t black him out first?” Yoona shot him a glare before signalling the other two guys to carry Key. “Okay, the plan is you bring him to the abandon house beside the beach. Just scare him but don’t hurt him, okay? Then I’ll come and save him.” Yoona said proudly, proud about her plan. “Do you think he’ll believe that a girl actually saved him?” One of the guys said, chuckling softly.

Yoona glared at him. “Just follow my plan, Junsu. And Chansung, Don’t beat him up. You know how you can get.” Yoona advised them. Chansung nodded whole rolling his eyes. Taecyeon then spoke. “Why are we doing this again?” Slightly annoyed that Yoona was doing so much just to win Key’s heart. Yoona fluttered her eyelashes as she turned to look at him. “Oppa, Please. For me.” She knew what his weak point was. Though Taecyeon was the bad boy in Seoul city, He can hurt anyone – not kill -  in a blink of eye and not care about it. His muscles aren’t there for nothing. He beat up people who disrespects him for the sake of pride. His father who is one of the heads of a big mafia had trained him from a young age, Taecyeon was known as the cold one. However, When it comes to Yoona; Everyone knew for sure that even Taecyeon had a weak point.

Yoona clung onto his arm, almost whining. She knew her whines were cute to him. Taecyeon’s low sigh was heard. “Guys, Bring him to the car.” Taecyeon told his fellow friends, or followers. Or to make it more simpler, His gang members. Yoona smiled to herself. “Thanks, Oppa.” She smiled sweetly at him. Though no one knew the bad side of Yoona, Taecyeon did. He knew her flaws yet he still likes her. He knew how she would act like in front of other guys, how she was to her girl employees or how she has a million ideas in her mind on how to destroy someone. Taecyeon knew who she is, and the only one that knows. However something that Yoona has was just attracting him. But he knew she wasn’t his and won’t be.

“When he wakes up from Chansung’s attack..” Yoona glared at Chansung who was still holding onto the bat. “ text me a message or call me even if it’s a late time. I’ll come over and save him, Araso?” Yoona once again told them the plan. The three boys nodded. “I’ll see you guys later then. Thanks for helping me!” Yoona gave them a brief smile before walking away happily. Taecyeon sighed as he watched Yoona skip away with a smile on. ‘If only she smiled to me like that.’ He thought sadly.

Once they successfully carried Key into Taecyeon’s car, Taecyeon drove off quickly. They were heading to the abandon house near the beach.

After 25 minutes of driving, Taecyeon parked his car behind the house. “Bring him in.” Taecyeon ordered Chansung and Junsu. The two obediently carried Key into the house. The windows were smashed and the wooden door seemed like it was going to fall out any minute. Taecyeon leaned against his car, he crossed his arms as he looked up at the darkened sky. ‘Is this right for me to do?’ He thought, as if asking God. He had never hurt anyone without a reason, somehow he felt guilty for kidnapping Key for no reason ‘Its for Yoona, Taec!” He reminded himself. He sighed deeply before walking into the abandon house. No lights were inside therefore Junsu had gathered small branches from outside and had threw them into the old and wrecked fireplace. He then lit up a match and threw it in. The fire was giving them light and was also keeping them warm. They could all smell the sea water from afar and could feel the breezy wind hitting against their bare arms.

“Hyung, Did I hit him too hard? Why isn’t he awake yet?” Chansung crouched down beside Key who was lying on the floor. He then poked his arm, testing if he was awake or not. “You should have just hit a little more harder so he can just get unconscious and fucking die.” Taecyeon hissed, unaware of the fact that he was showing his true feelings. “Dude, Are you okay?” Junsu tapped his shoulder, concerned about his gang leader. Taecyeon nodded while looking at somewhere else. “Why does Yoona like him so much that she’s willing to pull a scheme like this?” Taecyeon said with frustration. “Everyone knows you like Yoona, then why are you helping her? If it wasn’t you telling me to hold back my strength, I could have just made him blackout forever.” Chansung spoke. Chansung was the youngest among Taecyeon’s gang. However, he was known for his hot temper and rude manners. He was like Taecyeon, however the only thing Chansung would never do is to cause someone to bleed. Chansung could beat someone up but he would never ever make the person bleed. Although Taecyeon’s father was the head of a mafia, Taecyeon and his gang wasn’t as cold-hearted. They would never cause someone to die. Beating and threatening, was the only thing they do.

“If he makes Yoona happy, Then I’m okay with it.” Taecyeon said almost in a whisper tone. Junsu and Chansung sighed at their leaders word. “ You can take out your anger at him right now if that’ll make you happier.” Junsu suggested. Although he had just suggested a horrible idea, Junsu was known to be the weakest among Taecyeon’s gang. Therefore Junsu was in charge of the talking – yelling-  in the gang. He can spit out all the harsh words a human being can think of in just a mere two minutes.

Taecyeon stood in the same position for 5 minutes before walking over to Key’s body. He bent down to see a clearer look of Key’s face. ‘This is what Yoona fell for’ He thought angrily. He clenched his hand into a fist, his veins were visible. He then raised his fist.

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