Chapter 15

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"You can see I am not one to be competed with" he said to her, his body shaking as they entered the room. Fredrick tossed June to the floor, her body shaking violently from the shock of the fight and the pain radiating from her wrist and neck. She looked up at him with puffy red eyes, her look of pure hate hoping it would drive a stake right through his heart. Fredrick merely sneered at her, wiping his hands off with a nearby cloth as he began talking once again.

"Because of this little incident, I have an ultimatum for you" he began as he threw the cloth down,staring at her with those dark eyes "Either you choose me now and we live together in immortality away from that betraying bitch and her son, or you choose him and you both will certainly die. Either way will work for me. 

"I don't care if I die" she said to him, her arm ready to burst from the pain as she defied him "Kill me."

He stood there for a moment contemplating her refusal to his ultimatum. He ran his tongue over his front teeth as June shuddered before him. She would not back down from this, she would rather die than let him have her.

"If you don't let me have you, then no one will. I will kill that ungrateful bastard and I will make you watch. It will be easy, he has lost too much blood. Even if I just stood her and took you on the floor he would die" he said, his last sentence nearly a growl "Unless...."

"Unless what?" June said knowing what he said was probably true. Nico looked near the edge of death when Fredrick had drug her out of there.

"Unless he feeds off a human" Fredrick said "You could save him, if you do as I want."

"What do you want me to do then?" she said knowing this had to be her only choice. She could die, and Nico would surely die along with her. Or she could save him and live out the rest of her short days with Fredrick. They both didn't have to suffer for her mistakes, only she did....

"Join me" Fredrick said coming towards her "Become one of us, taste immortality so that we can always be together, I cannot lose you again Arista. You save him, and then you return to me. That is the deal." Fredrick said "Save him tonight, and tomorrow, you will join me forever."

"Deal" June said and turned to go for Nico but Fredrick stopped her.

"There is one more thing" he said drawing her close as he pulled her close. She could feel his breath on her neck, his body pressing against hers as she tried to hold back from slapping him in the face. She needed to get out of here, she needed to hurry and save Nico...

"You will let me have you" he said against her flesh "I will make you mine, body and soul. Be prepared to be taken Arista, for I will not be kind. You belong to me, your body, your mind, everything will be mine. "

June swallowed hard, knowing what he meant. She was prepared to do so, she had to. It was a life and death situation. Nico's life for her death. 

In retrospect, it was an easy decision for her. Nico would take Sarah to Luke, they would be free and alive. When Fredrick turned her, she would do the only thing that made sense. She would walk out into the sun, and let it take her.

Fredrick wouldn't own her, not her mind, not her body, nothing would be his. She would die free, she would love free.

"As you wish" she whispered as she turned to him "Commander."

Fredrick smiled let her go, sending chills down June's back as she ran out the door leaving him alone in the Ceremony room. The stench of blood was thick in the air, the heavy metallic taste invading June's senses as she made for the stairs. She took them two by two, her legs pounding up them as she nearly tripped down the hallway on her dress. The door to her room was still open as she slammed it wide only to see her room was vacant of servants and vampires alike. Only a pool of blood lay remaining with most of her room destroyed by the battling males.

"Nico" June whispered as she turned and ran back down the hallway towards Serena's room. There was too much blood, nobody could survive that.....

She pounded her fists on the door of Serena's room, but no voice echoed out for her to enter. She was going to die anyway, what more violation of her station would matter as she swung open the door, finding the female vampire sitting in front of the fireplace.

Her eyes were stained black, a glass of wine sitting beside her as she looked broken against the firelight. June walked up towards the Wifemate, her back straight as she tried to get Serena's attention.

"Serena" June finally said "Where did they take Nico?"

Serena stared into the fire, her hand shaking as she went for the wine. June dipped down and took the glass away from her, making the female vampire look her way finally as June repeated her question. She didn't have time for this, she had to be strong. She was the only one who could do what needed to be done, and Serena had proven more than useless at keeping her son safe.

"You need to get it together" June said growing frustrated "Nico needs my help!"

"What do you care you little minx!" Serena finally spat "You are the cause of all my pain! You seduced my husband and then my son! Fools! All of them fools over a pretty face! You filth...."

June tossed the wine in Serena's face then, her anger now tipping as her composure faltered. 

"I am not the one who let everything get like this" June gritted through her teeth "You were the one in control, you are the mother! You should have stopped this long ago but instead you showed your belly like a coward! I didn't seduce anybody and you know it! You let things get out of hand! You snuck and lied like every other of your kind! Now you tell me where Nico is or I swear I'll make you regret it!" 

Serena stared up in shock at June's words but the human girl didn't care at this point. She had had enough of Serena and ever other fucking vampire talking down to her and she wouldn't let her last final day be filled with Serena's pissing and moaning over her own mistakes. She had enough regrets, she didn't need one more before Fredrick did with her as he pleased.

"You really are better than me" Serena said quietly "I never could stick up for myself, I was too insecure. I could have save my Kristoff, but I was too weak, to weak to say no, to fight back.........go, go to him" she said as her eyes drifted back to the firelight. June about screamed as she grabbed her by the shoulders, shaking her back to the here and now.

"Where!? Where is he Serena for fuck's sake!?" June yelled in Serena's face.

"The garage" Serena whispered "Cora and Rita took him to the garage."

"I'm going to save him Serena" June said, her voice hard but promising "I'm going to save him. Fredrick will take me afterwards, you cannot" she said drawing Serena's attention back to her "You cannot let Nico follow us. You need to keep him away. Fredrick will kill him. Do something for once in your life and keep your son safe."

"Go" Serena whispered "Go save him."

June nodded and turned, her feet running out the door and headed toward the garage. She ran down the stairs once again, her hands holding up her dreaded red skirt as she moved past the kitchens and out into the gardens. The camera's were still on, but to hell with them, she was going to die soon anyway. Nothing mattered, nothing except getting to Nico. 

If she would die doing one good thing, it was going to be saving him.

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