Color Coded

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Chapter 5

The binders take up most of her desk. The colors aligning with each pile that is labeled with a sticky note. It's organized to an extreme which pisses me off. I can't explain the anger or where it comes from but it's raw and dangerous. So I don't speak as Melissa sits herself in front me.

"Hello again," her smile is gentle and her movements graceful as she crosses her arms on top the desk.

I smile tightly and she continues, "Sorry for the late introduction, I am Melissa Rivera. Director of Human Resources for Dominan Enterprise the Rivera's family company. Owned and operated for 3 generations."

It sounds rehearsed.

"Anthony has told me a bit about your background, it must be so exciting working with children," she pauses waiting for my reply.

It's then I feel the heavy presence of the man himself looming over me from across the room where he watches like a hawk. Being watched as if about to break is something I grew up with and it forces my heart to race and the familiar clogging of my throat.

I cough, "yes," I agree looking up from the binders to meet her expectant eyes. She wants more but that is all I can muster. Her smile falters and a shiver runs up my back.

His glare intensified, not happy with my answer.

"Great! Well I'll go over a few specifics," she says looking down at the binders.

She points to the yellow stack, "their daily itinerary broken down for Monday through Friday. Weekends would be your days off."

Her slim fingers glide to the pink stack, "allergies, dislikes, doctor visits, and medication- even vitamins."

Finally the blue, "emergency contact list, family tree information, academic daily inclusion, stimulating approved games, and pick up sheet for pre-school- only two to three days a week usually for Lily."

"Great," I try for enthusiastic and reach for each binder individually to take a look.

"Melissa," the way he says her name is like a low hum. It reverberates and travels up the spin in a lulling sort of sound.

My eyes flick up to watch her look over at him as he speaks, "Jay will be here soon." Her eyes light with what looks like excitement and a smile as wide as her lips will allow breaks out across her soft features.

Her eyes bounce to me, "that would be my husband Jason, Anthony's younger bother. He's very charming, I can't wait for you to meet him!"

"I'm excited," this time I don't have to fake excitement as her own is contagious.

"Don't be."
It's harsh- the way he speaks to me. Long gone are his gentle hums.

"Stop it," Melissa's stern for the first time in front of me, "you two keep that attitude away from me and Nova."

She slides her gaze to me, softening it, "brotherly competition from a young age didn't give them much time for brotherly love. It's something they are learning in adulthood-" before she could finish divulging family dynamics we are interrupted.

"Enough," his voice is higher in pitch but smoother with an easy to it, "I don't think we should be scaring her away with the families dirty secrets just yet."

Again a smile stretches across Melissa's face and I don't turn around but listen to the foot steps as they enter the room passing Anthony without hesitation and walking behind the desk.

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