Chapter 30

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We get to Brandon's condo. He carries in Natalie while Ness and I drag in Dexter. After getting weird looks, we finally are safe in the walls of the condo,

"Should we wake her up?" Ness whispers.

"We should wait until morning." I say.

"Sounds good. Then we ask her what happened and then we send her home on saturday." Brandon finalizes.

"Can you keep her comfy and set while I take Jasmine and her friend home?" Ness pleases, I look over at Dexter who is still knocked out. His faces looks young, he looks attractive.

"Do you think he is dead?" I wonder out loud.

"Probably just a slight concussion.." Brandon shrugs and I frown. I got him into this. He didn't know he would get hit in the head by his friend. All because of me.


Ness, Dexter, and I are in the car. Its silent except for the soft volume of Queen.

"How do you know him exactly?" Ness's voice drowns out the radio.

"He was the first person I talked to when I got to the party."

"Did you talk to him or the other way around." I know what she's thinking. She thinks I was hitting on him. Maybe when I was younger I would like every boy I saw, but it's different now. I have Niall now.

"If you are suggesting that I was wanting to flirt with him then you are wrong. He just welcomed me to the party." I say a little harsh.

"I wasn't suggesting anything. It was just a question. Jeez." She laughs. I apologize for being rude and the car goes back to its quiet state.

A few minutes pass and she starts a new conversation, "We have to film tomorrow."

"I know."

"What are you going to do with him?"

"I honestly have know idea. I guess it all depends on whether or not he has a place to go."

"Doesn't he have a home? Parents?"

"I'm not sure... All he told me was that he lives at that house which is his friends place."

"Oh." After that, we arrive to my house. It's straight and the grass is clean and green. Unlike where Natalie lost her virginity.

"Are you going to stay the night or meet me in the morning?" I ask as we set Dexter on my couch.

"I'll probably go home." I nod and soon she leaves.

After I close the door, I walk towards the kitchen and lean against the counter. I inhale and hold for a minute, then I exhale. All of todays events are blown out and into the air vent.

I look over at Dexter, his eyes are still closed tight. I walk closely to him and rub my fingertips against his head. His hair is soft and short. My pinkie, and soon my other fingers, glide over a bump, a small bump. I automatically pull back and his eyes reach for each other.

That means he is still in pain but he's alive. I sigh in relief, that's the only good news I have gotten.

I sit there and examine his face, his lips are full and his eyes brows are thick, but in the way a man's eyebrows should be. He had a scar, right under his eye. It's noticeable, which makes me wonder how I didn't notice it before. His breathing is soft but long, just like his eyelashes.

He's defiantly handsome, I wont deny that. But something about Niall makes me look the other way. I get up and go to my closet, I finally take off the annoying outfit that has been suffocating me since I slipped it on.

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