Chapter 13

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We finally made it out the airport and to the car. Ness' mother, Mariah, picked us up. We stopped by chick-fil-a to get some grub. When we got to Ness' house, which I live across the street from. I thanked Mrs. Harris and grabbed my bags and went to my house.

I quickly ran up to the door and knocked 5 times. The door slightly opened and a medium height woman in her 40's was standing there. (My mother)

"Momma!" I jumped in to hug her. She hugged me back and patted my head slightly.

"Darling! It's great to see you! Come in come in." She grabbed one of my bags and closed the door. "How have you been! Haven't heard from you in awhile." Her eyebrows gave a her face a 'Care to explain' expression.

"Sorry I didn't call. I was so busy with school." I gave her a puppy face. She just smiled and hugged me again.

"Well you are here now." I nodded and pulled my luggage to my room. On my bed was Polka, short for polka dot. She is a French bulldog and very adorable. I clapped my hands and called for her.

"Polka polka. Come here polka." I said in my most doggy voice ever. My mother just chuckled and went to the kitchen. I laid on the bed with Polka for a few minutes just rubbing her tummy. I miss my home so much. I almost started to cry but then Polka farted and I zipped out of the room laughing.

"Hey!" A man with a bit of a beer gut, my father (Derek), had his arms up and open. I quickly ran into them and hugged him tightly, my face started to tingle a little. I knew tears were going to stream down my face. I bit my tongue to prevent them. "How has my princess been?" He pulled from the hug and held my shoulders.

"Good. I've missed you guys so much!" I pulled back in for the hug. He let out a jolly laugh.

"We are glad to see you. Do you need help unpacking?" He walked over to my luggage but I jumped in front of him.

"Uh...It's okay I got it." He looked at me with a confused and then just nodded. He left to his room. I don't like my dad seeing my clothes. He will get mad if he sees lace anything, he has gotten better through the years since he knows Im an adult but between him and me...I will always be his 9-year-old princess.

I unpacked my luggage and placed everything in the drawers. Once I finished I leaped on the couch to watch a little TV. My parents wouldn't be home until late. It's date night, now who plans a date night the day their only daughter comes home? Ugh parents. After watching a few episode of Doctor who (Literally the only show I watch), my eyes started to get a little droopy.


I was sitting in a chair, I couldn't get up, I couldn't speak...I couldn't do anything but watch. In front of me was a family, a few children, two dogs, and two sets of grandparents. A brunette girl waltzed in through the doorway and picked up one of the children. She kissed the child on the head and set her down on the floor. I'm guess this was her family...but who was she? A blonde was walking though the door, his back facing me. Once he got the big box through the door he turned to face the others. It's was Niall! I was beyond confused. The brunette swayed over to him and gave him a sweet little peck on the lips. She then looked at me and waved. Niall then looked at me and waved with sadness. The grandparents left the home as so did the children and the brunette, but one small girl ran towards me.

"Hi. I'm jasmine." She stepped closer and looked at every detail of my face. "I know you can't speak." If this is Niall's child, why did he name her after me? "I hope you see this and change what you are going to do. My family looks happy don't they? Well they aren't. My mother, Penelope, she goes out every other night to "work". I see her leave in a car with another man, I know she isn't working with. My father, Niall, he cries those nights, not because he knows she is cheating...because he does....but because of what you didn't do 12 years ago. He still loves you and you are out there with a man..I know and you know you don't love." With that she walked off and left the room, Niall walked towards me and kissed me on the cheek,

"I love you." He stared into my eyes with his blue ones for a moment and left. (Dream over)

With that I snapped my eyes open...the TV was playing some show called Walking Dead. I got freaked out from the zombie that screamed right in front of the camera, so I quickly flipped and turned off the TV. My breathing slowly decreased. I laid back down on the couch and took a few deep breathes and closed my eyes again, hoping I wouldn't fall back asleep.

A light lit up the ceiling and a vibration moved the table. I moved the blanket get up but it was freezing, I decided to let whoever it was go to voicemail. I closed my eyes once again but the evil light and vibration ruined my peace. I threw the blanket off and stormed to the device. It snatched it from the table and glanced at the name. It was Niall.

"Oh." I laughed at myself.

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