Chapter 9

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Jasmines POV

A bright light shined on my face. Ugh too bright. I hopped off my comfy bed to shut the blinds. My warm feet hit the cold ground..I couldnt do it. I decided to call Ness instead.

"NESS!!" I waited a moment, the top half of my body hanging off my bed. I stared at the floor for at least 2 minutes. "VANESSA HARRIS!!"

I heard footsteps run in through the doorway and feet were in my sight.

" want?" I looked up to see an angry 19 year-old girl who literally looked like steam was flowing out of her ears.

"I need you to close my blinds."

"Are you serious. I was watching The Dark Knight Rises. You know how I feel about my morning superheros. Why cant you get up and do it yourself?"

"Gosh, what crawled up your ass this morning." Her face cooled down. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Im sorry...I just, last night." She held her face in her face...rubbing her forhead. "When he asked me that question, I didnt know what to say...what to do. I did the worst thing possible. I didnt say anything!!" She sat on the bed and groaned.

"Its okay. Don't be so hard on yourself.." I patted her back to ease her tenseness.

"Of course its okay....You and Niall had the perfect night. You guys hugged. He likes you."

"Maybe it was good but you cant compare your life to others. Plus its not like Im ever going to see him again. Hes on tour and lives far...far away." I got up and closed my blinds. I walked over to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"Why would you say that? No one just stops talking after a night like that." She walked over to where I was and sat up on the sink. She was staring at the wall. I spit my toothpaste foam out and washed my mouth. I grabbed the nearest towel to soak the water that covered my mouth.

I skipped out and over to my closet to get ready for school. Ness walked in looking down at the ground. I slipped on Ness' rolling stones tee, my head pop right through the top. Slipped on my white jeans and Ness' red converse. I usually dress in my own clothes but I was running late and my clothes were dirty. I ran out the door but came back in.

"Im sorry to leave you like this, I have to go but just dont think too much, go watch a good movie and get yourself together. Okay? I will see you after school."

"Okay...Thanks. Bye, have a good day at school." I ran back out the door down the stairs and down the street to the subway.

{1 and a half later}

I sat at the collaborating table. To my right was my pal, Claire, she was jibber-jabbering about the storyline of the script. She was a director.

"So when they meet the Niall-

"Niall?! What about him?" I got stiff in my chair.

"What? I said when Andy finally gets to the Nile river...Juliet will be seen with another man."

"Oh yeah...okay." I laughed nervously. She continued to read my story, she suddenly stopped and closed the script. She softly turned her head to me.

"I know...........everybody knows." She smiled.

"What does 'everybody' know?" I mocked her and laughed.

"Niall Horan and you." She tapped her foot...I looked down at her foot and back up again.

"I dont know what your talking about.." I turned my head.

"Oh okay. Yeah...I didnt think it was true..I mean who would like an idiot like him?"

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