Chapter 22

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Niall's POV

"And 5678!" Louis cheers, and begins to dance in the middle of the stage. I laugh historically at his 'moves' but then he glares at me with his evil eye.

"It all makes sense to me." Harry and Zayn sing in unison.

"Okay that's enough for sound check for today." Liam claps.

"It's been 10 minutes." Zayn complains.

" about 40 more minutes and then Chinese food?" He raises his hands in the air waiting for our cheer, we do as he wanted and continue on singing.

The longest 40 minutes of my life.



Just as I grab my treasure, I devour the noodles and chicken. Sometimes I wish I was Chinese so I could eat all this and still remain skinny.

Harry and Liam slip next to me, "How was the date?" Harry says chewing his food.

"Great. Absolutely perfect." I smile at my almost gone noodles. Liam opens his box of fried rice and dig his chopsticks in.

"Did you kiss her?" Liam's asks before taking his first bite.

"She kissed me." I blush just thinking about her lips.

"Lips? Cheek? Forehead? Hand? Neck? Which?" Harry interrogates the irish out of me.

"Cheek." Liam and Harry give blank stares, "Is that bad?" They look at each other and then back at me.

"Only if you think it is." Liam shrugs.

"We'll I don't." I bite my lip.

"Hey you never know, she probably is your shipoopi." Harry blurts.

"A shipoopi?" I laugh at the word.

"Yes, basically it's a gal who doesn't kiss on the first, second, but the third." He explains but Liam and I just sit there, our minds whirling. "It was on Family guy." He sighs.

"Ohhhhhhh." Liam and I say in sync.

"But she did kiss him. On the first date..." Liam whispers.

"It has to be full on the lips kiss." Har confirms.

"Is Vanessa your Shipoopoo?" Louis cuts in the conversation. I laugh my brains out from his 'shipoopoo' comment.

"It's a shipoopi!" Har argues.

"Same fucking thing." Louis snaps.

"Okay ladies calm down. So is Ness your shipooi? Or whatever." Zayn questions.

"It's shipoopi..but no....I mean, after everything that happened that night, not that I was expecting a kiss...but..."

"You were expecting a kiss." I finish.

"He saying, it made the night better." Liam corrects.

"Yes, thank you Liam." Harry hits the table gently.

"What exactly did happen?" I throw the question we are all thinking out in the air.


Harry tells us about the date, I guess you could call it that. It was more of a hang out....maybe not even that. He says he doesn't care where he is or what he's doing, as long as he is with her. Bull....shit. Sweet. But it's a load of bull.

What if she made him quit what he loves doing best? Made him end all of the tours, all of the fan meeting, everything he loves.

Well I guess she wouldn't really love him if she did so.. So maybe it's not shit after all.

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