Chapter 15

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The next morning, I woke up to laughter. I dragged my feet over to the kitchen.

"GoodMorning!!" My mom cheers from the table. There are 4 other people but my eyes are blurred, I rub my eyes and clear as day, Ness and her family were joined the table for breakfast.

"Goodmorning everyone." I smile as I scoot to the coffee pot. After I pour me a cup I sit down and make me a plate full of bacon, eggs, pancakes and biscuits. I havent had a meal like this since Ness made her dish but nothing compares to my momma.

"Hows everything girls?" My mom asks, Ness and I look at eachother realizing that they no nothing about Niall and Harry. I mean its not really a big deal...I think. Well to Ness' mom it is, she ALWAYS wants to know about her lovelife which isn't a bad thing.

"Its great! We are working on a project together." Ness speaks first.

"Yeah...Its going to be amazing. There will be critics watching our movie and whose ever gets the best ratings has a chance of going to theaters." I explain.

"Really? I didnt know that!" Ness shouts suprisingly.

"Yeah...." I laugh.

"That's wonderful! I know you will make it! You guys are so creative and talented." My mother says.

"Ever since you were both young. You always had the craziest imagination." Mariah laughs. And we all join in.

"We are all so proud of you both." My dad says.

"We always will be." Ness' dad, Brad, confirms.

"Was this scripted? It was so perfectly put out." Ness joked. "Thank you guys. We are grateful for everything. New York is great. Except for the packs of people. Its like a jungle." She laughs.

"Have you two met anyone?" Her mom blurts out. I take a big bite of my pancakes so I dont have to answer it first. Ness give me a scowl realizing what I did.

"Umm....yeah we actually have." Her cheeks glow a smooth pink. "Well I cant say I have officially, but Jasmine sure has." She smirks at me and everyone turns their head giving me the attention. I give her the same scowl she did to me and swallow my food.

"Really who?" My mom cheers.

"Yeah who?" My dad groans and everyone else laughs.

"He's great. I met him maybe a few weeks ago...about 5-6 weeks?" Ness nods her head in agreement.

"Well where did you meet him? Whats his name? Do you like him? Where does he live? What does he?" Ness' mom rambles on with questions.

"Whoa whoa..." I giggle. "Its not really much." Yes it is. "I havent even gone on a date with him."

"Soo? Whats your point?" Ness questions.

"My point is I barely know the guy."

"Thats a load of bull." My mom laughs.

"Im sorry?"

"Do you remember sophomore year?" She smirks.

"Ohhhh I remember...Zach Benson!" Ness said in her most 'in love' voice.

"I was a teenager."

"You still are.." Ness laughed.

"Okay I dont understand what this has anything to do with Nial-" I stopped. I know what your thinking..Why cant I just tell them about him already? I dont know how it is know....'celebirties'. Yeah I know he is a normal person, I know that but when it comes to relationships...I dont know how it is about it being public. Plus I really dont think we are in a relationship...ugh why does this have to be complicated.

"Nail?" My dad tried repeating what I had said.

"Its......NIALL." I sighed. I guess the secret is out.

"Niall.....Niall. That sounds awfully familiar." My mom squinted her eyes. "Oh I know! Isnt he a member of a band?"

"One Direction." Ness smiled.

"Yes...One Direction. Jessica, your cousin, shes crazy for them." My mom laughs.

"So you have been going out with a celebirity?" Brad asks.

"Dad you know how I feel about that." Ness sighs. She doesnt like giving people a title like that.

"Sorry Sweetie. So you have been dating a professional singer?" Brad asks.

"I havent gone on a date with him, but..."

"But what??" My mom smiles.

"He......he sort of asked me out on a date..." My heart races just thinking about it.

"Thats fantastic! When is it?" Mariah smiles a sunny smile.

"The 20th. But if we have anything plann-

"Honey, the 20th is fine." My dad cuts me off and we all look at him. He smiles and realizes why we are looking at him. He never liked the idea of me on a date with a boy. We all just laugh, but inside Im thinking why this time he is okay with it. Is it because he is a celebirity?

It better not be.

These Things Take Time.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon