Chapter 6

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Nialls POV

I sat in my chair playing with my palms were sweating and my stomach sort of ached. Only four hours until the show started and I could see Jasmine again.

"Niall...could you stop moving? I can't do your hair if you're moving." Lou laughed.

"I'm sorry...Im just really nervous.." I crossed my arms and my feet to stop my movement.

"Don't worry she will come." Lou whispered as she fluffed my hair a bit.

"What if she doesn't like the concert....or me."

"She said she was coming didn't she?"

"What if she likes the other boys...she hasn't seen them but once she does she will probably fall for them.."

"Niall, look at me." She turned my chair around and placed her hands on my shoulders as she looked straight into my eyes. "You are sweet, funny, talented and very handsome! There is no way she couldn't like you...and if she doesn't then....her loss."

"Thanks Lou." I was turned around to face the mirror again. "What if she does like one of the other boys....should I just accept it? I don't want to force her into liking me."

"Don't be only leads to a negative outcome."

"You're right."

I hopped of the chair and went to go get my outfit on. New York Yankees outta do it. Or how about a big apple tshirt? Hmmm decisions decisions...

Harry walked in....

"Hey mate! How does my hair look?"

"Why...who do you want to impress? Huh?" I stomped over to my shirts...

"Uh no one ...what's wrong? Why are you so grouchy..Jasmine said she was coming didn't she?" I noticed I was a being a total jerk...Harry would never try and steal my girl...well I mean she wasn't my girl....yet.

"I'm sorry. I just, what if she likes you or is just using me to get to you or Liam or Louis or Zayn?" Harry sat down on the chair next to where I was standing.

"If she did...we wouldn't take her..Zayn has a girlfriend anyway...he would never, I would never. I doubt SHE would do that."

"But we don't even know her...what if she is one of those crazy fans who..

"You said she didn't fangirl...she seems nice. Give her a chance mate. Don't be so never are, don't start now. Lets have a good show!"

"Alright." I faked a smile...I wanted to think positive but there are so many fakers out there..I really liked Jasmine, I wanted her to be real.

(Two hours later)

Jasmine POV

"Hey where are they performing?" Ness asked as she swallowed down her apple.

"Uh. I'm not sure Niall said he would text me."

*beep beep*

"That must be him!" Ness cheered. "That's weird....what a coincidence. Am I right?" I rolled my eyes and laughed as I picked up my phone and read the message.

From Nate:

Hey there:) The venue is at

Nikon at Jones beach Theater, Wantagh.

See you soon. :)

Niall xx

"Why do you have him as Nate?" Ness laughed hard. Holding her side from the pain of laughing.

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