Chapter 25

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    I pull my large jacket tighter around myself as I hurry off the plane, regretting the trip that had brought me so far north. Rowan's laugh slightly brightens my mood, but I'm still frozen.

"How did you survive twenty-two years of this treacherous weather? I ask as I quickly slide into the waiting car.

"You get used to it. But now, being away, I do notice how cold it is. It's home though," he explains as the car begins moving. I can't help but admire the beauty of the numerous large trees on the side of the road as we pass. Rowan's hand brushes mine and I glance at him. As much as I knew I cared for all the boys, I was about to enter their worlds and learn even more about them. I was nervous, but I was ready.

As we get closer to his home, I feel the tension from the day before fading. Despite the cold weather, I'm thrilled to exit the car at a mid sized house. I try not to notice the number of guards. These days belonged to the lives of the boys and their families. Walking into the house we are greeted by Rowan's mom and two dogs.

"Warning, we have several animals," Rowan informs me.

"No surprise here," I laugh before hugging his mom. Much like her son, Liza had a fun loving personality. I had noticed it at my birthday, but today it shone brighter.

The family love of animals was evident as I spent all day surrounded by many dogs, cats, birds, goats, and a few horses. I realized then that if I was going to choose Rowan, my life would include several animals- and it wasn't a bad thing to envision.

Landing in Labrador the next day brings joy to my heart for several reasons. The first is that a soft blanket of snow covers the trees and ground. Snow, although viciously cold, was something I hardly saw and so I thought it was absolutely beautiful. The second cause for happiness is Flynn himself. Just seeing his face makes my heart flutter. His large family greeting us outside is the third reason.

I'm thrilled to finally be able to meet his older brother Tyson and older sister Celia. Their spouses- Celeste and Elijah- are both kind as well. Of course, his younger brothers Carter and Troye continuously crack jokes and I realize throughout the day just how fun being in a large family is. Even stuffed into a small house, the ten of us don't seem to mind in the slightest.

Flynn's mom Zoe shows me the various additions made to the house since her son left, more than once thanking me for the payments that were helping to keep them supported.

But their love went beyond the money. It was obvious. Now I knew that caste standing didn't matter, as long as love filled your home. Even Flynn seemed to be in a brighter mood as we reluctantly left to fly away again.

The happy days were put on hold when I met Jesse in Belcourt. The snow capped mountains were beautiful but they couldn't cover the pain in his eyes. Our conversation is limited on the drive to his house, and when I ask what is wrong, he simply denies that something is.

At his house it only grows worse. I am almost completely occupied by Ember, but Jesse is only around for a few minutes. After dinner, I venture outside to find him. Suspecting he is in the barn, I am not surprised to find him there. I don't attempt to hold his hand or even be close to him. There was no reason.

"You're not coming back, are you?" I ask.

"I don't think I can. I belong here. And my chances are so small with you that I don't want to get in anyone else's way."

"I'm sorry."

"You can't help what you feel," he says, only briefly glancing at me. "But I hope I'm right in guessing who it is. You'll be with the right guy. I know you will pick him."

My experience is much better, and I know I would be content staying with Xander and his family. The glorious colors of the trees in the fading fall-without snow- make everything else I've seen in my life seem dull.

I enjoy being around his family, but my favorite part of the day is when Xander takes me to the library he used to work at. There is a group of children being read to, although once they see we are there they run to Xander. With how noisy everyone is I don't hear the little boy trying to get my attention. I only notice him when he tugs on my dress.

I pick him up easily so I can hear what he has to say. Leave it to a child to shock me. "You love Der, right?" he asks, and I know he's asking about Xander.

"Why, yes, I love him very much," I tell the small child. He couldn't be older than four.

"When will you marry? If you love him, you marry him, right?"

Unsure of what to say, I look at Xander. Surrounded by a dozen children, smiling and laughing without a care. I did love him deeply.

"If we get married," I say to the boy, "It will be a few months."

"Then you come back?"

"No, then he will be a royal and live in the palace."

"He'll be king?"


"And you're queen?"

"I will be. It's a tough job."

"My dad says you'll be a good, pretty queen. He likes you. But not more than Xander."

Taking another glance, I smile before replying to the boy. "Xander does like me a little."

"No," the boy tells me, "I know he loves you a lot."

Being back in warm weather makes Sonage very enjoyable. Feeling the ocean waves roll across my feet is so relaxing, and I'm glad to share the day with Owen, his brother Max, and their mother Petra. Owen's dad thankfully was working today and unable to be with us.

Even though I was in a bathing suit out in front of people with cameras snapping pictures of my every move, I felt comfortable. Owen had that effect on me. Everything was calm with him, and it scared me a bit.

Once back at their house, the tension was obvious though. Knowing the truth about Knox gave me half a mind to have him punished. I was struggling to be around him knowing he had harmed Owen. But he had asked that I keep his secret, since it was his family's secret too.

It was a bit relieving to leave, although I was sad to leave Petra and Max. Only one of the five families I had spent my last days with would become my own. Jesse's was already out of the question.

It made it even harder of a choice that was now staring me in the face.

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