Chapter 23 - Heartbreak

Start from the beginning

"Oh sure, that's fine," the PA teacher agreed. "They just finished their performance."


Aria didn't return to class after she left with Rana. Thankfully, all I had to do for the rest of class was sit and watch other people's' performances.

After class, I had planned to simply go back to the Diviner's dormitory and wait for Aria to be done, but I was interrupted by a girl. She had dark brown eyes and light brown hair that went down to her chin. She was wearing a pale yellow sundress and a matching ribbon in her hair. A few freckles dotted her tan face, and I recognized her as a girl from my PA class. Esther.

"Hey Lanny," she said, stopping me. "Your performance today was really good." She smiled up at me, her head barely breaking even with my shoulders.

"Thanks, but I really didn't do anything..." I laughed nervously, being the socially awkward introvert that I am. "I just said what I would say to someone who I loved very much."

"Well," she said, "you would make a great boyfriend. Any girl would be lucky to have you."

"...Thanks..." I mumbled. I looked away, trying to hide the fact that my mind had immediately gone to Aria. I started to walk away.

"Say," Esther grabbed my sleeve, causing me to turn and face her once again. "I've got reservations at The Firewing for later today. Do you want to go with me? Like on a date?"

I froze. Do I really want to go on a date with Esther?

No. No, you don't. You like Aria, not Esther.

But Esther might get upset if I say no.

And Aria will be upset if you say yes.

I don't want to hurt Esther's feeling...

You know, it is possible to reject someone without offending them. Just tell her that she's a sweet girl, but you're interested in someone else.

"Uh..." I hesitated, turning back to Esther. "Sure. I guess I don't have any plans..."

"Great!" She grinned. "I'll meet you here at seven, okay? Wear formal attire." She instructed, and when I nodded wearily, she ran off.


My stomach sank at the thought of having to explain to Aria why I was leaving so late in the evening. But, seeing as it would be better to just suck it up and tell her than to lie and have her get even more mad, the answer was obvious.

Sighing, I made a mental note to learn how to say 'no', and began making my way back to the dorm.

Aria's POV

After I had finished helping Rana with her thing, which had to do with the four main elements, I decided to just go back to my room and take a nap.

I had barely walked in and closed my door, when my door reopened and Lanny walked in behind me. He groaned, flopping down on my bed.

"Did something happen?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Not anything you want to know about." He sat up, an exhausted expression on his face. I sat down on my bed beside him.

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