Chapter Three

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There are bright blue trees around me. They start to move towards me and arms form out of their branches. The reach out to me, screaming my name. Bright green ants scurry out of their holes in the millions and engulf me. There sharp stingers stab into my burning flesh; once one starts they all start. There are creatures around me with white fur and yellow lights coming out of their eyes. One reaches its hand to me and opens my eye wide and looks straight into it. Then the stabbing calms slightly and the trees dissolve into the darkness.... 

I open my eyes. I am in a small boxed room with one black wall while the others are white. I spot a small door in the corner and start the move towards it but I cant. Im strapped in. There in an oxygen mask attached to my face and loads of tubes exiting from my arms, stomach and legs which all link up to one machine. I noticed one very strange piece of equipment, a black box, at the foot of the bed which has a faint buzzing coming from it. Ive heard it before but cant quite put my finger on it. I look towards the black wall and see in the centre there is a small camera. I raise my head and say, "I'm you lab rat I guess, so what is the experiment?!" There is silence for a few moments and then Snow's face appears across the entire black wall. "Oh my dear little boy, this is not a lab. This is your new hell." and he smiles an evil smile. A snake-like smile. Then there is a picture of Katniss. She is wearing the dress she wore when we visited District 11. She looks beautiful. My moment of solice is interupted by a quiet creaking at the end of my bed. I look down and see the box opening and the Tracker Jackers coming to get me.

3 Days Later. 

Shiny. Everything's shiny. I look down at my hands and they are covered in blood. It is fresh and still warm but I dont know who's it is. I cover my eyes and my world changes. 

I dont understand. Im in the woods again, the arena, the very first arena. Clenching a dagger in my bloody red hand, I fall to my knees and kneel against a dead tree. I feel exhausted but I do t know why, and then I saw it, a dark mass metres in front of me. A body.  

I stubble forward. A red stain in steadily growing in it's centre. There, underneath, a bow. I recognise a dark brown braid covering a still dark face. I know who it is. Katniss. And I am holding the dagger that ended her life. 

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