Chapter III The Battle in Renvall

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Ephraim's POV

I received word from a Frelia messenger that Renais has fallen, and my father is dead. It saddens me to hear this, so that's why I'm on this conquest to Grado to get to the bottom of this. Something is amiss because I know emperor Virgarde and my childhood friend prince Lyon would never breach the peace treaty between Renais and Grado without a dignified reason.

"Prince Ephraim!" I hear my retainer Kyle call. "We're low on equipment and funds, we shouldn't proceed any further!"

"Turning back is not an option, we must press on to Grado!" I told Kyle.

"But there's only four of us, how could such a small army take on Grado's forces?!"

"I don't pick fights I can't win Kyle." I reminded him.

"Have some faith in our prince, Kyle!" My other retainer Forde said slapping the worried green head on the back.

"The coast is clear Prince Ephraim," General Orson informed me.

"Right, onward to castle Renvall." I commanded.

Orson seems there's something he's concealing, but it's none of my business. He's probably depressed about the death of his wife, which happened recently. Little did I know that Orson would betray us after our battle in Renvall.


"Alright, we've taken over Renvall! I can't wait to tell my little brother Franz about this!" Forde cheered after our victory.

Speaking of younger siblings I wonder how Eirika is doing. I hope this war with Grado and father's death isn't vexing her. Don't worry Eirika, we will be reunited soon I'm sure of it! I'm curious to how (y/n) is holding up too. She also lost her parents in the attack at castle Renais, and I'm sure she's grief stricken. (Y/n) has always been close to me, almost like a sister...I pray for her safety as well.

"What do you mean you siding with Grado?!" I heard Kyle yell at Orson breaking my train of thought.

"I'm sorry, it's for Monica," Orson replied.

"What? How dare you betray Renais and join Grado's dogs?! Plus, Monica your wife is dead and she was a citizen of Renais; surely she wouldn't want this!" Kyle roared.

"I'm sorry, but this is for Monica." The general repeated as he road off on his horse.

"Blast! Prince Ephraim we should go after him and execute him for betraying you and his homeland of Renais!" Kyle yelled as he mounted his horse.

"Hold your horses Kyle, we'll worry about Orson's traitorous acts at a latter time; for now let's continue on to Grado." I told my hotheaded retainer.

Exiting the castle, we were greeted by more forces from Grado, one which was General Valter. His decrepit old face makes me violently ill. Even I knew that fighting wouldn't be an option for us after we just fought a tireless battle, so we miraculously retreated. It didn't look like they were going to pursue us, but they're definitely planning something.


We escape and rested in a nearby town. My mind wandered about times in the past shared with Eirika, (Y/n), and myself.


"Ephraim, Eirika. This is (y/n), her parents are working here in castle Renais so they will be residing here. Make sure you treat miss (y/n) with respect." My father told us.

"Hi (y/n), I'm princess Eirika...I hope we can be friends." My younger twin sister smiled at the girl who appeared to be around our age.

"H-hi, I'm (y/n) I hope we can be friends too!" (Y/n) said looking down at the floor.

"Ephraim, introduce yourself!" Eirika nugged me with her elbow.

"My name's Ephraim, and I'm going to be the greatest fighter across the continent!"

"Why don't the two of you show miss (y/n) around the castle?" My father suggested.

"Ok lets go (y/n)!" Eirika said taking her by the hand.

"Do I have to father? I would rather practice with my lance." I stated making (y/n) look sad.

"All you think about is fighting, Ephraim!" My sister yelled at me.

"Ephraim, you're being rude to our new guest. If you're going to be king in the future, you ought to be considerate of how others feel. You can show her your lance if you'd like." My father informed me.

"Alright, father."

After we finished showing (y/n) around the castle, I showed her my lance.

"Wow, it's so pretty," (y/n) marveled at the gems imbedded in the lance.

"Do you want to hold it?" I asked her.

"I-if it's ok."

I handed her my lance, but it must have been too heavy for her because she dropped it on her foot.

"Ouch!" She cried.

"Is your foot ok? Sorry, I didn't know you were weak like Eirika." I said as I picked up my lance.

"Hey!" Eirika yelled at me.

"I'm okay, but wow you must be strong prince Ephraim!" (Y/n) praised me.

"Heh, you should watch me train with general Duessel from Grado sometime!" I said.

"Ok I will!"

End of Flashback

Those were the times. I miss times like that.

"Prince Ephraim! Princess Eirika and her army are trapped in Renvall!" A Frelian messenger barged in my inn room to inform me.

"What?! Back to Renvall to rescue Eirika!" I declared as I informed Kyle and Forde and travelled back to Renvall.


To be continued in chapter 4, make sure to vote and comment!

I hope you liked this chapter! Also, be sure to read my other books if you're a fan of Kuroko no basket and/or Nanbaka! I am the author of Area 51 (Jyugo x reader), Arrested (Aomine x reader), Kuroko no short stories, Star Crossed (Akashi x reader), and the sequel to Star Crossed called Vengeance and Lust (Akashi x reader)!

Written May 17th,2017
Published July 8th,2017
Next Update July 11th,2017

The Sacred Hearts (Fire Emblem: Ephraim x reader) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now