Chapter 17: Spells and Revelation

Start from the beginning

" We take both Joseph and Renessme to the house. Onward we go!" They chuckled and started to get Renessme and Joseph.

We started walking and that is when I asked Jasmine a question.

"Jasmine, in the book it required both witches, are you willing to help me?"

" Of course! But the spell is quite long." She contemplated.

" Yes it is three pages." I murmured.

" We have to know it by memory." I stared at her as if she had spoken a different language.

" Memorized? Why can't we just look at the book?" If she thinks that I can memorize a four page spell in a few minutes then she has another thing coming.

" It has to deal with the feel of the soul. We can not focus on anything else but the spell, if we focus on the spell book our attention is else where and we can not bring them back to life." She concluded as we came by our motorcycles.

We put on our helmets and sped away behind the Cullen's. We were at the front door when I smelled the stench that I longed to forget.

" Is Renessme alright ?" Jacob asked not even realizing that I was here. Before anyone can answer I spoke.

" She will be, but your stench may stop her from healing so run along, am I right Jasmine?" I turned my head towards her.

" Yes, it will stop her from healing, go for a run for a while." She suggested.

" Or go on a run forever and never come back." I muttered under my breath.

" Well go on." I motioned him to leave.

I looked in his eyes and saw that he was staring straight at me as of he had seen a ghost. His muscles tensed and his teeth clenched. He muttered something under his breath that I did not here and went off.

I turned to the Cullen's and clapped my hands together and waited for them to go inside. Jasmine handed me the spell book and I started reading until I had it all memorized.

" Is he the man?" She asked.

I nodded my head and proceeded to read more of the first page; why does everything have to be in Latin! I mean come on why couldn't it be in plain English.

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