Safe House

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As we were driving through I looked at the lights and zoned out. Jacob and I sat in silence, but then we started having a little conversation.

"So long night huh?" He asked me.


"I know what you're going through."


"Yea, we have somethings in common."

"Those thing you said about the special someone is that uh true?"

"Of course it is, look at me I found my one and only." he said smiling proudly.

"Thats nice, I'm happy for you."

"Thank you, I wish you luck as well."

I smiled and looked outside the window once again.

"It's really beautiful here, makes me wish to move into the expensive part of the city."

"Why don't you?"

"Way too much money. And killing monsters most don't believe in doesn't pay well."

I giggled a bit.

We reached to his safe house and got out the car. The lights were on inside and the door opened. We were still sitting in the car, but I saw a woman standing there. Jacob immediately went out and hugged her. Again, for some reason, I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. She looked beautiful but something about her was off. Red eyes. That's it, I could see her red eyes.

Now that I looked deeply, I could see that Jacob, Max and Jayded had green eyes. Odd, I thought. I shrugged it off, but my psychotic side took hold of me. 

In the car, my head started to hurt even more. I began to yell, hoping it would go away for just a second. I saw flashing visions of me covered in blood, the satisfaction was back. I tamed  my anger somehow and kept it to myself. I hit my head on the car, making it go away. Then, it finally went away. Slowly but the pain was going and I felt better.

After that incident we were inside. We put our bags inside the rooms we had to share.Max and Jayded slept in two different bed in the same room, Jacob and Malaria shared a room together, and I was with a little girl who looked very young.

"Hello, my name is Karma." I spoke introducing myself to her.

"Hi, my name is Valentine." She looked up to me and smiled.

"Awe such an adorable name for an adorable little girl." I said smiling to her.

She hugged me, and went back to colouring. I sat down on the couch where everyone was talking about Karson, and Anera.

"She's only six years old." Malaria informed me.

"I see, where are her parents."

"Oh, they have passed away." She came closer telling me, so no one would hear. 

"Oh, how long has it been?"

"Two years now. Actually I've never seen her open up to someone that quick other than you."

"I'm glad. She's a very sweet girl." I looked at her and smiled.

All of us, besides Valentine, went on talking about Karson, Anera, James, and Samantha. Two of that four were gone, but who knew how many more of them were out there. Jayden show's some pictures to Malaria, her eyes immediately looked shock and I could see clearly her eyes turning grey. I looked to Max, and he looked straight at me with the same reaction as me. I looked at him and nodded indicating to follow me.

Hidden DarknessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora