Another one.

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Time skip to 9:00 In the morning

Liv and Oak fell back asleep at around 3:45 but Liv woke up before Oak.

Liv's POV

I woke up after I fell asleep but when I looked around I was still surrounded by the guys from earlier. I remember Oak from earlier. He is still asleep back by the smaller black man on the bench thing by the window. As I try to move my leg I can't and the action proves to be very tiring and I stop trying. I'm so not going to try sitting back up after last night. I would feel even worse if I woke anyone else up. They really didn't need to be here they have lives they could be living with their families instead of staying in a small hospital room with me seriously. I was honestly really nervous for when they wake up. I won't know what to do I just hope Oak will wake up first so I'm not alone in this little social exchange. UGH! Great! I think to myself I can't even figure out the time without having to sit up and kill myself from the pain.

I just lay in my bed for a while as I try to think about what to do. I sat for like 5-10 mins thinking and soon a idea popped into my head. 'Liv you are so stupid' I thought to myself as I remember that the bed can move up and down so I can sit up without causing to much pain I hope to myself. I feel around for the remote in the bed a little until I find a the cool plastic come in contact with my hand. I quickly swiped up the remote and tried to figure out how this thing worked. I was messing with buttons for a while trying not wake the man at my feet I was just messing with the top buttons. Eventually the bed started to move and I heard the man with the earrings and big built start to stir in his chair. I glance over at him still trying to figure out the bed and I can feel his eyes on me. So much for Oak waking up first.

Chris' POV

I woke up hearing the faint sounds of buttons being pushed on a remote and the bed moving little by little. I look over to see the girl from earlier laying in the bed with the remote to the bed in her hands. I stare at her for a little and watch as she fiddles with the remote a little longer. I see her glance at me or tries to glance as she is still laying down. She seemed annoyed but ultimately held a strong look of fear in her eyes and it hurt to see this small child like this. I see she is trying to not disturb me or anything like that but I don't really understand. I look at the clock and see that it is currently 9:35 in the morning give or take a few. The sun shines in the window by Oak and Leslie and I get a better look at this girl.

She has long chocolate brown hair with teal eyes. I've honestly never seen any eyes likes her they were absolutely stunning. She didn't look to be more than 5'4. She had a tanner looking skin almost like Lin's but not quite. Even though some would argue that he is white. She's darker than Groff at the very least. She really was beautiful. How could someone do this to this little girl? How could someone do this to give her a permanent look of fear in her eyes? I felt my heart clench as I look over the small girl's fragile form in the bed and I can see the cast shape under the blanket and the bandages across her body. What really caught my attention was the bruises on her neck that I hadn't noticed before. Had this little girl been strangled? I ask myself.

I decide to break the silence and try to find out a thing or two about this small girl. "So what's your name?" I ask trying not to make any sudden moves. As I speak I see her kinda flinch at the sound of my voice. She didn't answer so I went to her bed side. She looks at me and immediately she started signing stuff in ASL. (In this story 3 lucky people from the cast know ASL just cuz) Thank god I learned this a while back I can actually understand this little girl. She signed, 'Can you please help me sit up?' I soon gently helped her sit up and once I got control of the remote I quickly propped the bed up so she was more comfortable. She signed a quick 'Thank you' and told me her name was Liv. "Well ain't that a pretty name?" I say to her and I see a faint smile poke at the end of her lips. "My name is Chris." I introduce myself.

We sit in silence for a little bit just looking at each other up and down seeing what the other is. After maybe a minute or two she slowly and carefully signs 'Did I wake you because if I did I'm extremely sorry.' I feel my heart clench as this broken little girl is apologizing to me for waking me as if I would hate her in an instant. "No no sweetheart you didn't wake me. I promise you didn't." I bend down to her level as I noticed she shifts slightly at my action. I mutter a quick 'sorry' and look back at her. "Are you in any pain at all?' I ask to make sure she was okay. She shakes her head and we make small talk to the next 20 mins or so.


"I'm going to run down stairs and get some coffee would you like something?" I ask as she watches me stand up again. She shakes her head and I walk out of the room and start to make my way down stairs. It had been less than an hour and I've already taken a very big liking to the little girl in that room. I can't help but feel protective of her already.

Liv's POV

As Chris walks out of the room I take another look around at the rest of the people surrounding me. I'm so happy he can understand me. I take a look at the clock at see it a little past 10:00 and I sigh. I look over to see Oak and he is starting to wake up and I can't help but smile at him. 'Thank god he's awake.' I thought to myself. I grab one of the extra pillows from behind me and throw it at Oak's face trying to get him to wake up more. I can't help but smile proudly as the pillow comes in direct contact with his face. Oak looks at me with an annoyed glance but it is quickly replaced by a happy smile.

"How'd you sleep kiddo?" he asks me. I give him 2 thumbs up as he makes his way over to my bedside. "Was the pillow really necessary?" he asks and I smile and my shoulders shake up and down a little as if I were laughing. He smiled and let out a small chuckle. He looks around the room to the empty seat that Chris had been in the night before. "Did you talk with Chris?" he asked. I nod and pick up the pen and paper from the night before. 'He went to go get some coffee right before you woke up.' I wrote and handed him back the paper. As he read it over and responded with a quick 'okay'.

Oak's POV

As I wake I feel something come in contact with my face and my thoughts went straight to the little girl who had woken the night before. Liv smiles as I give her an annoyed glare but it softens into a smile as I make my way over to her. "How'd you sleep kiddo?" I quickly ask her. She responds with 2 thumbs up as I finally got to her bedside without waking the others. "Was the pillow really necessary?" I ask jokingly. She smiles and she looks like she would laugh if she could. Her shoulders were shaking up and down. I take a quick look around the room and notice the only one missing is Chris as my eyes land on the empty chair. "Did you talk with Chris?" I ask and she nods. I'm so glad she talked to one of the other guys today. But I'm still the first so I feel so much better. She scribbled something down of a piece of paper and she hands it to me. So Chris is getting coffee of course. I respond with a quick 'okay' before going back to Liv.

We make funny jokes for the next few minutes while we wait for Chris to come back and join in our fun. After a few minutes of Liv "laughing" and enjoying herself she stopped and grabbed her upper torso. She looked like she wanted to scream and the look of pain in her eyes was unbearable. "Liv, Liv sweetie hold on." I was frantically trying to make her feel better but I was failing. The machine she was hooked up to was going off like crazy now and the rest of the guys were awake by now. Not even a minutes after the machines went crazy a doctor was rushing into the room and pushing everyone out so he could work.

DUN DUN DUN CLIFFHANGER I WILL TRY TO UPDATE SOON I MAKE NO PROMISES sorry but I've been stressed lately so I can't say when I will update but I will try to make it soon. Please comment feedback for my cringeworthy story Love ya! ;)

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