What the...

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I think I mess something up and this didn't get uploaded so here is a miss chapter and if this is already there please someone let me know thanks. Love ya! ;)

Liv's POV 

All I remember before waking up is being face to face with what was it like 6 men. I was in an unbelievable amount of pain from my leg and chest but I was so tired of running and the pain I felt someone lift me up and I feel asleep in their arms. These guys all looked worried and we started walking. To where is a good question.

The next thing I know is that I wake up in a white room with beeps all around me. I assume I'm at the hospital like the guy said. God I hate hospitals so much. I've been here way too often and I don't want to be here again. Just got to finish whatever here then I can get out of here and never come back. As I try to sit up I feel a sharp pain shoot through my chest and my breath hitched so I lay back down and try to regain my oxygen. Then I look around the room to see all the guys from earlier in the room around the bed. Did they really stay with me the entire time? Even if they did why? I ask myself these question as I try to get a grip on my surroundings.

To my left closes to my bed I see a man with freckles all over his face with curly hair that hung a little past his shoulders he was asleep. Man what time is it anyways? I thought to myself. To my right I see a man that looks kind of Hispanic or something with a slick back ponytail and had a goatee. Like the other guys he was asleep. Next to the man on my right is a man that was definitely taller than the other two. He had an Afro that looked like he could put it in a ponytail. His face was pointed down so I couldn't make out anymore facial features. There were 2 other guys on the bench by the window. On the right was a man that had a stronger built than than the other man. He had short hair but looked like he had a hard part on the right side of his head from his perspective, the other man was smaller but you could tell he had some muscles, he had really short hair also but shorter than the other man. The man next to the one on my left had a strong built as well. He had short hair and both his ears where pierced and he had diamond earrings in. He was tall but not as tall as the man with the afro I suppose. Finally there was a man that was at the end of my bed and was white with hair that stuck up in the front. He had kind of a baby face and he was almost draped over the edge of the bed and it was actually pretty funny.

As I finish taking it all in and the people around me I take a deep breathe and try to sit up again so I can find a clock or something to check the time. As I sit up I feel the sharp pain in my chest and I gasp and my breathing becomes shaky and loud. My moving around must have been pretty loud because the guy with the strong built and short hair with the hard part woke up and looked at my with a worried look and I looked back with fear and pain. He slowly made his way over to me careful not to wake the others. As he got over to my bedside he crouched down beside me and spoke is whisper, "Hey how are you feeling?"

I was about to speak when my voice caught in the back of my throat and I transferred to ASL. Of course I'm not gonna speak I haven't spoken in three years. Ugh! I had to learn it in order to communicate with my dad when he was sick since he couldn't talk and after his passing I went mute. Ugh. The man didn't understand so I signaled to my wrist trying to ask time. Thank god he understood and got me the time. "It is currently 1:30 in the morning. You fell asleep and you woke up but then  blacked out when we got you here and you've been asleep ever since." he says. I nod in understanding still trying to grasp the situation. He watches me with worried eyes. "My name is Oak by the way. I never properly introduced myself." he smiles "Can you tell me your name?" he asks. I look away knowing he won't understand but I try ASL once again. Oak looks at me with a confused look and helps me sit up.

As I sit up and get in a sitting position he grabs a pen and paper then hands it to me. "Here can you write it down? I don't know american sign language." He asks. As I nod I write my name down and hand the paper back to him. "Liv? That's a nice name. That's short for Olivia I'm guessing?" I simply nod and take the paper back from him again and write 'I'm sorry I woke you I didn't mean to.' I hand him the paper and he reads it over then replies "Oh it's fine I'm glad I woke up to find you awake. We were worried when we saw you black out and now I can brag to the guys about being the first one by your side after you woke up." I smile I don't do that anymore. Oak was actually really funny and I enjoyed his company. 

Since it was 1:30 in the morning and Oak was up I decided to stay up a for a little. I've been asleep for a while so I know i wasn't going to be getting any sleep anytime soon. Oh well. Oak doesn't seem to have a problem with being up with me he was so happy. His smile made me feel a bit safer. Plus his large exterior was reassuring which was pretty good since he was very intimidating. The only thing going through my mind was 'Who are these people anyways?' aside from Oak of course but the rest of them is questionable.

Oak's POV

I woke up to a gasp come from the middle or the room and I heard shaky breathing. I then remember the girl and I rush to get to her side trying not to wake the other guys. As I make my way to her bedside I crouch down to her level so I'm face to face with her. With the faint light I can make out her features better than when I first came face to face with her. She had long, straight, dark brown hair. She had what looked like teal eyes. They were stunning. When she smiled she had the cutest dimples I've ever seen. She was a little on the tanner side and she had bandages on her face from the cut on her face. She was really beautiful I don't know what happened but from what I could tell this wasn't an accident.

As I crouch down by her bedside I whisper "Hey how are you feeling?" She didn't say a word she looked like she wanted to but she didn't. She then tried using ASL and I look at her confused. I guess I'm going to be learning a new language soon. She points to her wrist and I soon realized she's asking for the time. "It is currently 1:30 in the morning. You fell asleep and you woke up but then blacked out when we got you here and you've been asleep ever since." She nods and I just smile at her. I want her to be comfortable around me so I try to be as nice and reassuring as I can. "Can you tell me your name?" I ask. Wow Oak. Of course she can't tell you she's been using ASL the entire time. She signs but I give her another confused looked.

As she tries to sit up I help her out so she doesn't hurt herself more and then I hand her a pen and paper for her to write it down. "Here can you write it down? I don't know american sign language." I ask and she again simply just nods. She scribbles down her name and hands me the paper and I read over it. "Liv? That's a nice name. That's short for Olivia I'm guessing?" She nods again and then takes the paper back from me. She starts writing something down and hand me the paper. I read 'I'm sorry I woke you I didn't mean to.' I simply reply with "Oh it's fine I'm glad I woke up to find you awake. We were worried when we saw you black out and now I can brag to the guys about being the first one by your side after you woke up." She smiles and I see her dimples as she smiles and I smile back.

We've been up for a little bit and I know I'm not going to sleep anytime soon so I stay up with Liv. She doesn't seem like she's going back to sleep either which is fine and I don't blame her. She's been asleep for so long I wouldn't want to go back to sleep either. With what she looks like she's gone through I'm not sure I would feel safe going to sleep. I still need to know what the hell even happened to her in the first place. We stay up for a while and just sit in silence. But not a weird silence it's a comforting silence that fell over us.

Hey pepoles (yes that spelling) This story is so much fun to write and I hope you guys enjoy my cringy af story. I'm trying. Please comment what you think it could be that you like this story or that you hate this story  i just need feedback please. Love ya! ;)

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