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I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. School has started and it sucks I hate it. I also have a show I just auditioned for so more time away from my schedule. I will try to update soon don't hate. Also Liv does not look like Maddie but this is the dance.

Liv's POV

I was in theatre before the show. Lin comes here like 4 hours before the show because he has stuff to do I guess before the show or he's bored. Vanessa has to go to work and she takes Seb to daycare every morning. So I come to the theatre with Lin. Since no one was there I thought I might as well mess around.

I got out my phone and started playing some music. No one should be here for a little while so this should be fast and fun. With a big stage I have room for this. 

Lin's POV

I get down stairs to the stage and I hear...music? I follow it to the stage. I see Liv.. dancing. OML. I've only caught her dancing once. She seems like she is really advanced in all dance just by her technique. "Hey Lin-" I look and see Chris and Anthony behind me. I 'shh' them and look back at Liv. Last time I caught her she was really uncomfortable. I don't want that to happen this time. By this time Daveed and Oak have shown up. I take out my phone and start to record her. I only get a little bit of the dance until the song ends.

 I shoo everyone away from the stage and we all run to our dressing rooms before she can see us. As everyone clears out backstage and go to our dressing room I get to mine and act like I'm doing something useful. I hear Liv knock. "Come in." I say to her and she enters. I turn back to my phone like I'm doing something. I look up at Liv and ask. "Hey Liv are you sure you don't want to take dance. You are really talented." I say to her and she just shrugs. I sigh and nod.

She leaves the room and runs off to some other place around the theatre. I will have to show Vanessa this video when we get home. Maybe she can convince Liv to accept my offer. Alex can even teach her some skills. I know she is amazing. She can act and dance. She could be on Broadway I just need to get her to speak. It would be helpful if I knew about her past. 


Lin's POV

I get home and after dinner Liv goes straight to her room. Well hears my chance it's now or never. I walk up to the dear and I hear something. "I really really miss you." I hear from inside the room. I stand at the door and hear the video continue to play. I could only make out small bits and pieces of what the video was saying. "I miss you daddy." It says. After it stops for a bit I knock on the door. I hear the laptop slam shut and shuffling from inside the room. She gets up and opens the door. "Hey can I come in." I say and as she moves out of the way. 

"Hey Liv um... can I talk to you about your past?" I ask her and she shifts on the bed awkwardly. She looks down and nods. I get her a piece of paper and pencil. "What happened to your dad?" I ask and she visibly freezes. She shakes her head and moves away from me. "It's okay. It's okay." I say to her and hug her. She just sits in my arms frozen. I think of another question to ask. "Was your mom always like she is now?" I ask and she shakes her head 'no'. "What happened?" I ask and she writes down. 'My dad.' I read it and that's it nothing else. I nod and frown.

"Did you ever take dance when you were younger?" I ask and she writes, 'Kinda.' I look at her confused. 'I did musical theatre but after some events I gave up.' She writes and I once again nod. The biggest thing I want to know she can't tell me. "I'm sorry I upset you." I say and hug her. She just nods and walks to her door. I get up and kiss the top of her head and leave. After she shuts the door a few minutes later I hear the video start to play again. I'll look it up later.

I leave and go to Vanessa. "V, you've got to see Liv dancing. She is amazing." I say and walk to her. I show her the video and she smiles. "You're right she is. We should put her in dance." V says to me. "I already asked twice if she wanted to be in dance but she said no." I say to her and she nods. "I did find out about a little of her past." I say and Vanessa looks at me. "What did you find out?" She says and I explain everything.

"She use to do musical theatre but stopped after what she called events in her life." I say and V says, "What kind of events?" I ask and I respond, "I don't know she never told me. But I did find out her mother has not always been the way she has been. Liv said her something happened with her dad." I say and V looks at me in awe. It may not seem like much but it's the most we've gotten. "Well we have a start." V says and nod. I don't tell her about the video yet. Not until I find out what it is.

UNEDITED OML this is a crappy filler chapter I'm sorry it sucks. I have plans for the next chapter I'll try to update soon. please tell me what you think. Also really short. Love ya! ;)

Me? Love? -Adopted by HamiltonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt