Story time Part 2

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Liv's POV

"What do you mean?" Jazzy asked. I look at her and Anthony and look down. 'Can I have a computer?' I sign and Anthony nods and leaves. He is back within 3 minutes with Lin behind him. I look at all of them and I look a Lin with a frown. "Hey you don't have to tell us anything. Okay?" Lin says to me and hugs me. I just sit until he lets go then I nod. 'Computer?' I sign and Anthony hands me the laptop. I sign a quick 'thank you' and pull up a blank document. 

Lin's POV

"Lin I need your laptop." Anthony said as he came into my dressing room. "Why?" I ask kind of skeptical. Mostly because last time I let him use my laptop he changed my back ground and when I opened it some girly princess music was playing. "Liv wants to type up and answer. I assuming it's long if she would rather type than sign it." Anthony sais and I look at him with wide eyes. "An answer to what?" I ask hopefully and Anthony looks at me. "She said she has never been treated like this or something and Jazzy asked what she meant."

I look at him with hopeful eyes. "She's going to tell us some more about her and her past?" I asked and he responded, "I think so." I grab my laptop and we make our way out of my dressing room. We leave and Liv looks at me with a frown while I give her a sad smile. I make my way over to her and hug her, "Hey you don't have to tell us anything. Okay?" I tell her and she just sits then nods to me. I let her go and Anthony gives her the computer. We wait for about 10-15 minutes until she finishes her answer. 

What I mean is that my family didn't treat me this nice. My dad did but after that my mom and brother treated my like complete shit. My mother would yell at me when she needed something or totally forget/neglect me and my brother would basically attack me everyday. My mother wouldn't result to physical harm much just emotional/mental harm. My mother could never deal with my anxiety and my brother didn't help it. She doesn't believe in mental health issues. My mom would make me cook and clean and do everything for her and my brother. He was her little angel. I have basically had to fend for myself for sometime now. I am the forgotten child of everything. It's not easy to sneak food at night. I don't know how to react to being treated so well. I've never had this much attention in a long time. I can't remember the last time I had this much attention to be honest.

We all read this and we all have tears in our eyes while we look at Olivia. I feel like there is more but I don't know. She had her head down so we couldn't see her face. I make my way over to her and get down to her level. I pull her chin up and she has tears streaming down her face. I look at her with sad eyes and wipe the tears away with my thumb. Liv looks away and puts her head down after pushing my hand away. I give her a hug.

Liv's POV

I put my head down and my hair in my face to avoid any eye contact with the three in front of me. I have tears streaming down my face at this point. Was I really that bad that they had to give me up? I think to myself then someone tilts my head up. I look and my eyes meet Lin's. He has tears in his eyes but I can see the pity in his eyes. I don't need to be pitied. I hate pity. He wipes the tears from my cheeks while I look away. I push his hand away in anger and put my head down. I cry. I just cry because I can't be strong anymore. I stop after a minute.

I get up and I run. I run out of the room as quickly as I can and run. I can't really run though my leg hasn't fully healed yet. I ignore their calls and run as fast as I can up the stairs. Which wasn't very fast. I run until I make it up to the roof. I know they won't find me I left them way back in the greenroom. I have a little while before they even think to look up here. I sit and I cry. I cry freely. I can't be strong anymore. I'm an orphan. I don't have parents or any siblings or a family. They just gave me up like I was nothing. But maybe I am nothing. I continue to cry for a little while longer. Why did I even tell them what I did anyways? I thought. Maybe I thought I could trust them but I actually don't know.

Lin's POV

"OLIVIA!" I yell as Olivia runs out of the greenroom. She closes the door behind her which slows us down. Everyone is the greenroom looks in our direction with confused looks. I run as fast I can out of the room and look for her. For someone who is hurt she can really push through pain and jet. I look around the whole theatre with Anthony. I wish I could help her but I can't. I don't know how and it kills me to see her like this.

I broke down. How could someone do that to a child as sweet as Liv? She is so pure and amazing. How can someone do something like that? I ask myself. I start pacing and running a hand through my hair with tears streaming down my face. What if she actually ran away? What if she doesn't want my to be her father figure? I think and have thoughts racing through my head. I'm pulled from my thoughts by Anthony. "Lin she couldn't go far. She's hurt and she loves you." I nod and he gives me a sad smile. We keep looking.

UNEDITED I don't know how I should feel about this chapter. I think I like it but I think I don't like it. Please comment and tell me what you think. I'll try to update soon. Love ya! ;)

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