Waking up

986 27 14

December 25

Liv's POV

I look around the room and see presents. Why? I ask myself.  By the time the cast finished talking to me I was in tears. I know I had to go back but it was hard. I had to choose between my dad and giving up my life or living with a different family and waiting to come back to my dad. For a 14 year old this was a hard decision. But I knew I had to to back. "Are you ready?" My dad asks as he hugs me. I hug him back. I savor this moment because I know it's going to be the last time I hug him for a long time. 

"As ready as I'll ever be." I say and he nods and hugs me tighter. I kiss his cheek and he kisses my head. "You're going to go back but it'd up to you and your body to go back when you're ready. I can't do that for you." He says to me and I just nod.

We are back in the hospital with the cast around me. "Lin." I say and Lin looks at me. I smile and he kind of smiles. I start to walk to my bed but I turn around and run to my dad and hug him tighter than I've ever hugged him and hugs back. He spins me around and I laugh. "I love you daddy." I say and he smiles. "I love you too. Take your time." He says and I nod. I turn back to Lin and see him smiling. 

The rest of the cast is trying to get his attention but he is action like they aren't there and he is just watching me say goodbye to my father for the second time. I walk over to myself and Lin is practically looking at me. I look at him then we both look at my dad. He has tears running down his cheek with a sad smile plastered on his face. I have tears in my eyes and I put on smile knowing this is only goodbye for now.

I turn back to myself and I close my eyes. Somehow I'm back in my own body. Now it's up to me to wake up when I'm ready.

Lin's POV

I watch the figure say goodbye to each other before they both vanish into thin air. After a minute the figure became clear and I see a man I've seen being one of the figures and I see the smaller figure become clear and I see Liv. My daughter is right there. I watch her run back and hug the man. I look closer and see that this is the man I've only seen in pictures.

This is the man I would have never known about. This is the man that gave me one of greatest gift. This is the man who is everything to Olivia. I see her hug her father and walk back over to herself. I cry knowing she doesn't want to leave him but does because she wants to come back to me. Her father is crying and I don't blame him I would cry to. 

After a few seconds they both vanish. Now we wait for her to wake up. After what I just saw she is coming back. I got up and I look at Liv. Everyone in the room looks at me and I sit on the edge of her bed. I kiss her head. I have my hand in hers.

"Dear Theodosia what to say to you." I start to sing and Leslie chimes in. 

"You have my eyes you have your mother's name." He sand and everyone joined in piece by piece through out the song. My eyes never left Liv. While everyone is singing I lean into her ear. "Waking up would be the greatest Christmas gift." I say and tear prickle in corner of my eyes. I listen to everyone harmonize at the end and man were they talented. Right before then song ended I felt her finger and her pinky hooked with mine.

I gasp and smile. "Guys sing the song again." I say and I start the song. We all sing just like last time and sing it in absolute utter perfection. "Someday, someday." We all sang at the end and we are watching Liv. Before we end the note I watch her eyes flutter open. She looks at me and smiles. This really is a Christmas miracle. I hug her and everyone is bombarding her with questions. 

I look and see a pained look on her face. "Hey let her rest and someone go get a doctor." I say as I see her look worsen. "Liv? Sweetheart? Are you okay?" I ask her but she shakes her head no. "Honey tell us what's wrong." I say to her and she point to her side where the wound is. "I know it hurts but we are going to get people in here to help take the pain away. Okay?" I say to her and she nods. 

She has tears in her eyes and a few slipped down her face. "What else is it?" I ask not wanting to see my little girl in pain anymore. 'Heart' she mouths and I hug her softly. She cries into my shirt for a few minutes before she fell asleep again. I rest her back on the bed and the doctors come in. They usher us out of the room. At least she's awake. She's awake and she's here and she is going to get better. 

Leslie starts to lean against me a little when he grabs his shoulder in pain. "Shit." He says and I take him to his room. "Leslie what's wrong with you. Your shoulder seems to hurt more and more by the day." I say as he gets in his bed. "It does and they just give me pain meds." He says before wincing in pain. "I'll be right back." I say and leave the room. I sent Daveed in to watch him.

"Excuse me can we have a doctor look over Leslie Odom Jr. Just to make sure nothing is wrong?" I ask hopefully. The nurse looks up from her computer to look at me. "Yeah sure I'll get one sent I right away." She responses and I smile. This is going to be a long Christmas. 

UNEDITED don't judge its 3 in the morning and I just cried my eyes out. I'm sorry if this is bad but I hope you guys like it. Please let me know what you think and I'm sorry this wasn't on Christmas and it's after but I think it was lowkey cute. Please vote and comment. Love y'all! ;)

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