Sure they might be naughty, but I still like them. They are my beloved sisters after all.

Reaching the convenience store, They rushed off to a corner.

Well, never mind, I thought. I went and took a couple of candles. Then, I went to the cashier.

I was about to pay up when an ice cream box where put on the table front of me.

"This also, bro!" Winter said, showing off her teeth.

I sighed and paid up for the family Ice Cream box too. So, this is why they insisted coming along.

I left the convenience store with them and we were heading home.

"Is that smoke?" Summer spoke up. Wow. That's rare.

Wait. Smoke?

I sniffed the air. "You're right."

"Maybe someone is having a barbecue...and it is burnt." Winter said.

"Yeah. Maybe that's it." I smiled back at her. Somehow, I am feeling uneasy.

Reaching our house, there were a lot of people swarming. I could feel my palms sweating. I am getting really tensed up. Both Summer and Winter hanged on to me tighter. And then, I saw.

The fire.

It was roaring intensely against the cool, night sky. I dropped the bags I was holding and ran into the crowd. I pushed away some of them and finally reached the gate. It was still closed. I kicked the gate open and rushed to the front door. I opened it only to find...everything burning on fire.

Not minding that, I rushed inside. However, I was pulled back by a lot of people. The more I struggle to run in, the more they pulled me back.

I screamed at them "LET ME GO! I want to see my mom! I want to see my dad! And Spring! She-she..."

"ARE YOU CRAZY?" One shouted at me.

"THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!" Another one shrieked at me.


"Roland... Give it up" interrupted two voices in harmony.

I turned back and looked at the twins.

"WHY ARE YOU GUYS SO CALM??!!!" I yelled at their faces.

Then, they, at the same time, gaped at me and slapped each others' face and...cried...aloud.

What am I doing? They are younger than me! I should be more considerate to them! Why am I acting like this? What the hell is wrong with me?

I...don't know. I really don't know.

I moved closer to them and hugged them both tightly. "It is alright" I told them. "They will be alright, of course." I continued.

"Roland?" Said a voice behind me. This voice...

I turned back finding Spring.

Her face.

Her face... is half burnt.

Her pretty half burnt.

Suddenly...Everything went black

I opened myself, finding myself in a bed. I woke up and sat down suddenly.

Was this all a dream? I thought. I slapped my head. Well, of course.

Mission: Find The Girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें