"That's not fair!" She exclaims.

"Well...where to start?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"...We're starting from there?"

"How is school?"

"Are you serious?"

"How are you?"

"Geez, Eunseo. You're no fun, just shut up and let me talk." Mingyu says and he tells her about most events that occurred when she was gone. She missed hearing his voice. It hasn't been a year but she felt like she hasn't seen him in years. Mingyu was her best friend. She grew close because they were neighbors and partly seatmates in class, every year.

She was happy to hear that the chicken Soonyoung took care of finally hatched its eggs after like, two years. She was sad that her favourite Chemistry teacher had retired. She was excited about tomorrow. She was happy that they won in the Dancing competition. In conclusion, she misses them very much.

"So????" He turns to her curiously. "Tell me a bit more about your friends there."


"Oh, please don't tell me you only have them as friends."

"...I do?"

"Are you serious?"

"It's hard, making friends." She shifts her gaze to somewhere else.

"I see," he utters. "It is, huh?"

"I moved so sudden. Nobody knows me except for my cousin. There's this one friend who talked to me first. You saw him earlier."

"Which one? He's handsome?"

"I think all of them are good looking though."

"...You're boring. And here, I thought I could dig some secrets. Like, whether you like one of them or something."

Eunseo freezes for a second as her cheeks blush. Her mind instantly thought of that one person who has made her feel crazy.

"Oh!!" He points at her face. "So it is true, you like one of 'em." He grins happily.

"Shut up,"

"Which one was he?"

"Shut up,"

"Tell me!"

"Shut up, Mingyu."

"Is it the tall one?"

"He's tall but shut up,"

"The pale one?"


"He's the pale one,"


"You know, I thought he hated me at first. He looked like he was glaring at me. I don't know."

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