Chapter 5

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   I don't know how long it's been, but it seems like days. Although I now it's not because other wise I would be starving sense they haven't given me any food, not that I'm not hungry cuz I am. Plus I'm so bored. Theres nothing to do other then stair at the wall.

   Then the door opened and someone walked in. It was that creepy cat and the shadow fox! "Good job Sage, this is exactly the one I was looking for." The Shadow fox told him. "Anything you want Alpha." Sage bowed then left.

   "Why did you take me here?" I growled at him. He stepped closer. "Don't you know about the legends?" He asked. "What legend? There are many." I growled back. " The legend of the fire and shadow fox? You know that one?" He asked again. " I know a little about it, I would hear stories about them as a pup." I told him. "Well let me refresh your memory." He said


   The fire fox was a fox with the power over fire and the shadow fox was the fox over the shadows and darkness. These where two of the elemental hunters (Two opposites for each major animal sepsis, but I'm not listing that many.) They would work together to fight the things that hurt the world and would act as a guardian for their animal.

   But when the humans came and found out what they could do they started to build on our territories and over hunt us for food.

The fire fox wanted to get rid of the humans for good so they wouldn't bother us, but the shadow fox wanted to simply just leave them. Saying it would cost so much to do so and we had no chance.

   And so they fought over it. Nether side won instead they ended up just killing each other until they stopped.

   Soon after the next shadow fox took the pack down a bad path. And ever since the shadow foxes have been known for hunting down and killing and the fire foxes known for their bravery and strength.


   "Know do you remember." He asked tilting his head to the side. "Yea and what does it have to do with me?" I growled. "What else, other then being my enemy."

   Wait what? "How would I be the fire fox?" I asked surprised and shocked. I didn't know what to think. "You mother was it and after she died you became it sense you where the oldest of her pups. Did you never know?" He asked. "No of course I didn't. Do you really think a mother would tell such a young pup that they will have that big of a responsibility." I argued back.

  "Well then I'll give you some time to think about that." He said turning around and leaving the room.

Hunting A Shadow [Shadow Fox Book 2]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें