chapter 2 DID I FIND YOU?

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                Did I find you?

“Lillian I’m gonna send you to Earthland. You will find a woman named Erza Scarlet. She will look just like your mother.” Jellal explained carefully about how she will go to Earthland and find Erza and give her a note. “Daddy are you coming with me?” Lillian asked “No Lillian, you’re going alone” Jellal said with a sadden face. “Lillian, the necklace will explain everything and lead you back here.” Jellal put Lillian to sleep and place her into the pod. He kissed her forehead and whisper into her ear saying” you will be the savior of this world.”

After he said those words he shut the pod and shipped it to Earthland.

|- Back at the Fairy Tail Guild-|

“Bye guys I need to go home.” Lucy said as she was exiting the guild. While lucy was walking on the edge of the bank looking like she was gonna fall. “watch out Lucy your gonna fall” the man on the boat yelled “One day but not today!!” she shouted back at the boat man                                               when she reach her house and was about the open the door.  Loke   came out of nowhere and pick up Lucy in flash.   “ Loke!” Lucy said surprisingly.” I feel like I’m rescuing a damsel in distress.” Loke said wittily as he put her down. “let me look at the pod”

The orange hair lion spirit walked up to the pod. As he was about to knocked on the glass, it surprisingly burst open letting out smoke. “STAY BACK!!” he yelled as he got his ring ready.  And to his surprise he saw a little girl in the pod look like she was beaten up.

“ A GIRL” he said as he turned his ring off. “what do you mean by a girl?” Lucy said as she came up on the pod. “You’re right it is a girl and she looks badly hurt. Let’s take her in”   She said to Loke as he took hold of the little girl and took her in to Lucy’s house and layed her on the bed.

Lucy stared at the girl’s face wondering where have she seen the mark that was on the little girl’s right eye.

“Well I should be going back “The lion spirit said as he disappeared I’m an orange –gold light. Poor little girl all bruise up and unconscious. I wonder where her parents are, and why was she in a pod?  

Lucy had so many questions about this little girl. When she lean in to see if the little girl was breathing. Then the girl suddenly opened her eyes and saw a blond haired girl that was not her mom.

“Aaahhhh” Lillian cried “Mommy, Daddy where are you?!!” Lucy jumped back in surprise. “Please calm down little girl.” Lucy said trying to calming her down, but it didn’t work Lillian kept crying.

 Then hearing a scream the pink haired dragon slayer came bursting in saying” Lucy, what’s worng?!!”. “Nothing wrong Natsu and why were you so close to my house??!!” “He llllliiikkkeeesss you” the blue cat said teasingly. “shut up cat!! Uh?” Lillian stop crying all of the sudden. “uh why did she stop crying” she said to Natsu. “Happy...” she finally said “she said your name happy” Lucy said as she watches Lillian came down from Lucy’s bed and started running towards happy “Lucy….WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS LITTLE GIRL!!!” happy screamed

“Serves you right you right you dumb cat”

Lillian kept running faster and faster catching up with Happy. The blue cat began to panic and just remember that he had wings and began to fly.

Lillian frustrated that she couldn’t catch happy in the air, she made a dagger appear out of thin air.

When happy saw the dagger he began to fly to the window in panic to get away from her. In the split second Lillian threw the dagger and it pinned Happy to the wall by his handkerchief, knocking him out.

“HAPPY!!!” Nastu yelled trying to take the dagger out of the wall.

She made that dagger appear out of nothing. Does this mean she uses re-quip magic just like Erza. She thought.

Lillian kept saying happy thinking that Nastu was trying to give happy to her. “What’s wrong with this girl, Who is she?!!” Nasu kept saying.

While Nastu was yelling Lillian kept saying happy, happy” as she stretch out her hands. “you want happy?” Lillian simply nodded.”WELL YOU CAN’T HAVE HIM,HAPPY IS MY FRIEND!!” Nastu yelled, which made Lillian cry.”Great job Nastu you made her cry.”Lucy said “well Happy is mine, plus she was trying to kill him!” “SHE WAS TRYING TO CATCH HAPPY!!” Lucy said yelling back. In spite all of that yelling it made Lillian cry harder and louder. They just realize that their yelling made matters worse.”Oh great we made matters worse.” He said. “could you please calm down little girl, please.” Lucy said trying to calm Lillian down, but it didn’t work.

”Ah I know: OPEN GATE OF THE DOG, NICHOLAS!!” before Lillian notices a little dog that looks like a snowman that came out of nowhere.”Snowman!!” Lillian said with excitement as she ran to hug him. ”Meet, Plue. Now that you calm down, can I ask you a few questions?” Lillian nodded her head in response. “Well I’ll be going see ya kid, later Lucy.” Natsu said as he held happy in his arm and jumped out of the window. “See ya , Natsu. Now let me asked you some questions.” Lillian nodded and held on to plue tighter. “Alright let’s, see what’s your name?” “My name is Lillian”

“Lillian, that’s a cute name. Okay Lillian why were you in that pod?” Lucy asked without caution. “I-I.. don’t know “ Lillian said before she was going to cry. “Please don’t cry! Um do you want some candy?” Lucy hurried into the kitchen and came back with a bowl of candy. Lillian face turn from a crying child to the happiest child in the world.

It’s so sad that she lost both of her parents, and if they were alive how could she find them.”Lillian, I’ll ask you more questions tomorrow, right now you should get some sleep.” “Okay!!” Lillian said getting into Lucy’s bed and went to sleep with a happy face and held plue in one arm…Until he disappeared in the middle of the night.

When Lucy was about to go to sleep on the couch, she took one last at Lillian and said, “Goodnight Lillian, I’ll help you find your parents. I’ll make sure of it.” As she went to sleep.

                               |- Back in Edolas-|

Queen Nightwalker was battling demons when she saw one of the castle’s towers came crashing down. Worried about her daughter. Erza told her soldiers that she going to Lillian’s tower and hurried off. Erza busted through Lillian’s door, finding the box her daughter was to be in wide open. “Lillian, Lillian where are you?!?!?!?!?” she yelled.”Looking for your daughter.” ”WHO ARE YOU COME OUT YOU COWARD!!!” she yelled. A dark haired man with pale fair skin dress with a red scarf and black pants.

“WHO ARE YOU!!! WHAT DID YOU DO WITH LILLIAN!!?!!?!??” “ I don’t give my name to any one.” “Then I’ll pry it out of you!!!” Erza shouted and pierce the sword into his body and to her surprise he was smiling. ….”  “ your sword doesn’t affect me” he said and blasted her with a black light. Knightwalker screamed in pain and badly burise but could still walk. “what do you want with Lillian! Where have you taken her!” “ I done nothing to her, she was gone before I got her.” He said calmly.  Erza was relieved that her daughter but still mad to find that her daughter was missing.

”What do want with her!” “ We need her power!” “WHAT POWER ALL THE MAGIC IN THIS WORLD IS GONE!!!!” She yelled at him trying to strike the him again. “I told you your sword doesn’t affect me ” he said as he blasted her with  black light again. Erza screamed in pain  and horror still trying to stand “I don’t care you  are but…NO ONE LAYS A HAND ON MY DAUGHTER!!!” Erza shouted and pierce the sword into his heart.

But before she could the man drew a magic circle that surrounded everything in black darkness. “Come out!” erza could see that he was right behind her moving so fast that that erza couldn’t see him. ”Black dance of darkness.” And with that erza fell to her knees saying“W-who are you?”  “Ah well since  your alive I shall tell you my name. my name is….” 

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