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Chapter 1 : part one

Where are you?

Another day in floir a certain guild was being noisy as usual.

"Gajeel fight me "the pink hair dragon slayer said."Natsu why you always have to fight someone the second we get back from a mission?"the celestial wizard said. "I bet he's trying to prove he's the strongest just to impress you, Lu-chan" the blue haired girl said. "you know that's not true Levy. Me and Natsu are just friends." Lucy said. "Hey Lucy, watch me whip Gajeel's ass." Natsu shouted."Yeah sure he's not." Levy said to a blushing Lucy.

                      |- mean while in edolas -|

"Lillian, Lillian" the blue haired man said "Yes daddy?"The blue hair girl with red marking on her right eye answered. "Did you practice your swordsmanship?" Jellal said. "Yes daddy." Lillian said. "Wanna show me what you learned so far?" he said. Lillian simply nodded and grabbed her father's hand as the walk to the practice room. Along the way the met up with Erza Knightwalker. Also known as queen Knightwalker. After the former king has been executed and banned forever from edolas jellal became king and soon ask Knightwalker out and sparks ignited. They soon got married and had a baby girl named Lillian.

"Mommy!!!!" Lillian screamed cheerfully as she ran into her mother's arms. "hey babygirl where are you and your daddy going to ?" Erza said. "Me and daddy are going to the practice room so I show him my swordsmanship."

Lillian said "Wow that's sounds fun. Why don't I come along and see you beat daddy at swords?" Erza said. Jellal better let her win or so help me I will get him. She thought with a warning anger face as she looks at her husband. "Yeah you know that I'm not that good at swords "saying that knowing that Erza would kill him if he beat his only daughter at swords.

Then suddenly a crash coming from on top of the roof.

"Sir we're being attacked." Solider said

"by who?" Jellal said with a little anger "We don't know all we know that he's using magic" solider said.

"Impossible I- uh the kings of the dragons stole all the magic from this world. No one could use magic or even magic wepons" Jellal said in anger.  "We know sir we'll put our best on it." The solider said.  How could this be I reverse all the magic to earthland. Could someone from earthland come to edolas to take over? Could this be possible?

"Who ever he is doesn't matter we have to protect Lillian." Erza said

"Mommy I'm scared, what's happening?"Lillian asked in fear. "Don't worry babygirl let's go into your room." Erza said as she picked up her daughter in her arms and ran to her room.

Erza burst through the door into her daughter's room and went to her toy box suitable for living for 3 days. Erza put ,Lillian in the box with her blue stuffed cat. "Lillian do not leave the box no matter what you hear. Ok?" Erza said with a serious face. Lillian simply nodded as she hugged her cat. Erza kiss her on the forehead and said " love u babygirl" before she left and close the box.

Erza ran away from the box as tears came down from her eyes. This was the hardest thing she had done.  Knowing that the castle was under attacked by a magic user.  While the city edolas was defenseless from magic and most importantly knowing that her daughter was hiding without guards or anybody to protect her.

|- back in Lillian's room-|

Lillian was silently crying into her stuffed cat, wondering where her parents have gone.

Then suddenly she heard the door burst open. Sounding like a man looking for something. He finally reached the toy box and open it , finding a little blue hair girl holding a little cat." Lillian? Is that you?"

It sounded like her father. "Daddy?" she finally said "oh I'm so glad that your safe. Where's your mother?"Jellal said "mommy said not to come out of this box no matter what I hear." Lillian responded with a face that looks like she was about to cry.

"Daddy I'm scared what's gonna happen to mommy?" "Mommy is gonna be okay, don't worry, here I want you to wear this necklace and I want you to never take it off." Jellal said with a serious face as he puts the necklace on his daughter. "come on Lillian I need to take you to somewhere where you can be safe." Jellal said as he took her hand.

Leading her down the hall into the basement where wendy and natsu from earthland had been extracted of their dragon slayer magic.  "Lillian I'm gonna send you to another world. I'm gonna send you to EarthLand

THE RETURN OF EDOLAS : A JERZA STORYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora