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"Hi, I'm Jeon Jungkook. I've been watching you lately and I think you are pretty." he grinned enthusiastically. "What time does your shift end?"

She blinked and clutched to her apron. "Did you say you needed more chicken soup, sir?"

Jungkook glanced at the empty bowl of soup and look up at the waitress again. He nodded without that grin fading away from his lips. "Yes, please."

The young waitress walked away to get the chicken soup this young costumer wanted. The figure seated across Jungkook raised his brow while he chews. Dimples show up on his cheek when he pursed his lips. "Real smooth, Jungkook." 

Jungkook shrugged and continued eating. "I'm not giving up yet, Namjoon hyung. You heard how she replied to me."

"Bro." he retorts and dropped his chopsticks. Namjoon didn't want to hurt the younger's feelings in accordance to this matter but he just had to. For the sake of Jungkook to keep his screws tight "She just asked you if you wanted a soup!"

"W-which is a good thing! What's so bad about soup huh?" Jungkook spoke with his mouth full and with full confidence. He swallowed the contents in his mouth and glanced at the door where the waiters would come out and serve food. "She'll be coming back to serve the soup, and I'll get to talk to her again."

"Ugh." Namjoon groaned and disagreed no more. He isn't going to win over Jungkook's logic either. They both glanced around and watched how another waiter delivered their chicken soup on the table. Namjoon saw the slight flick of disappointment on Jungkook's expression and leaned back to his seat holding a drink. "See. You creeped her out."

The younger glanced at his hyung for a moment and clicked his tongue. "Whatever." Both Namjoon and Jungkook continued continued eating until they were finished and payed their meal. Jungkook didn't see the waitress again, Namjoon just forced him to go home because more costumers were coming in.

The mini restaurant closed around quarter to 10. One by one the employees exited the shop with their thick jackets and scarfs. The wind blew softly but it brought chills, it was snowing calmly. The last employee made sure the door was locked before walking off but a figure stopped in front of her.

"Hi." he grinned and it was familiar to her. She glanced at him and he was a bit covered in snow. His nose is turning red every time he sniffs, making her think he waited for her until the end of her shift. She does recall asking what time her shift ends.

"Hello." she replied, sighing silently and walked past the grinning figure. Jungkook walked beside her with his hands inside the pockets of jacket. The walk was peaceful, but not with Jungkook sniffing. Even so, she found it uncomfortable for a someone to walk with her.

She stopped her tracks and bravely faced him. "Sorry, do you need anything? Why are you following me?"

"Oh." Jungkook stopped as well, shivering inside his coat. He has been outside in the cold for so long. "I-I was wondering if I can walk you home."

"No." she snapped a direct answer and resumed walking. She had no idea what he was up to and that made her hug herself when she walked. The street was silent and dim. A lump starts to stay in her throat.

"Aw please? I'm a good guy! Plus it's late enough for you to get going." he insisted, this time trying to keep up with her because she started picking up a fast pace.

"No," she spat still trying to be respectful towards me. She glanced up at him and saw how his brows portray that he is sincere. "I'm taking the bus anyway, thank you."

Jungkook still didn't give up. He quickly stood in front of her, blocking her way. The air that he puffs out of his lips turns into visible clouds of coldness. He sniffed and tried to smile at her still. "At the bus stop. I'll walk with you till the bus stop only. Sounds good?"

She sighed. "Fine." Based on what happened this day she concludes that he is persistent above all things. She started walking again while she caught a glimpse of Jungkook's wide grin. He walked alongside of her maintaining a proper distance.

The walk became silent and cold, peaceful and calming her down. But Jeon Jungkook had to speak. "It's snowing. I stayed out for you, you know. Yeah. That's kinda sweet. W-What do you think about the snow?"

She turned to him with her brow arched up judgmentally. Still she pursed her lips before she decided to answer. "It's beautiful." she smiled a bit. "But it's cold today." 

"Yeah." Jungkook looked down to his jacket. It was thick but not enough. "There's just something beautiful about walking on snow that nobody else has walked on. It makes you're special." 

"I..searched that in the way." he added making her turn her head towards him.

"Oh, okay." she nodded.

The walk seemed short, only because she wasn't alone anymore. They reached the bus stop and Jungkook stayed behind, watching her step in the bus. As soon as she found a seat, she turned to the window beside her and gave him a soft smile. Just a sign of her goodbye and gratitude of the short walk. 

He smiled sadly and waved goodbye. He watched the bus move and followed it through sight, till it blurs. "It's not fair. You always leave me."


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