Ch. 42

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Nicki wrapped Perrie up in his arms. She squealed as he dragged her from the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" She said slightly annoyed. When he turned her around she squealed. Caitlin had come up for the weekend. Perrie smashed into her.

"How do you move so fast?" Caitlin said as Perrie shrugged.

"Why are you here?" She asked while standing an arms length away from her sister.

"What I can't come and see my brother?" Caitlin joked while going over to Nicki who hugged her tightly.

"I missed you too." He said with a smile.

"Also I need to see your ring up close." Perrie stuck her hand out towards her sister who fawned over the ring. "God it's beautiful." She turned to the man behind her. "You did good. Now when's the wedding?" He chuckled.

"Ask her." He said as his fiancé came over and cuddled into him.

"With you here we could do it now." He looked down at her his face expressing how shocked he was.

"What?" Quietly came out of his mouth. Perrie looked up at him. She leaned up and pecked him on the lips.

"I'm joking baba." He let out a short breath. She rubbed his stomach gently. "What you don't want to get married to me?" He shook his head.

"I want it more than anything else but it just seemed a little quick." Perrie and Caitlin chuckled.

"Oh come on I want you to be my brother now." He chuckled before pulling her into a hug.

"It's not like I'm not already your brother." He said before they heard a baby crying. "I'll take care of it." He said before running up the stairs. Caitlin and Perrie went into the kitchen.

"Now I know why he made me make so much food." She said with a laugh. Caitlin smiled.

"I wanted to tell you but he wanted it to be a surprise." Perrie nodded.

"It was a good one." She said with a smile. Nicki came into the kitchen with Amelia in his arms. He grabbed a bottle from the fridge before heating it up.

"Can I hold her?" He looked over at her.

"As long as you feed her." She nodded before he handed her the swaddled baby. He grabbed the bottle from the fridge testing if it was warm enough before handing it to her.

"Being a dad suits you." He chuckled before shrugging.

"It does baba." Jade commented. They all jumped at her words.

"Why are you always so damn quiet?" Perrie asked her. Jade laughed.

"Why are you always so loud that you can't hear me?" Perrie shrugged before Jade went upstairs.

"Where are you going?" Nicki called after her.

"I need a baby." He chuckled before she came down with Jessie.

"Better now?" She nodded before Jade rest her back along Nicki's chest. He tickled Jessie's cheeks.

"Now I feel left out." Perrie pouted.

"You're cooking." Nicki commented before Perrie gave him a death glare. "I'll go get Leighton." He said while moving from behind Jade.

When he came back the girls were laughing. Perrie came over and took the baby from his arms. He leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"The realtor called while I was upstairs. We are free to move in whenever." She kissed his cheek a smile growing wide over her face.

"You know it's rude to whisper." Debbie said behind him scaring him. He turned around to hug her. "What were you saying to her?"

"He was saying that we could move into our new house whenever." The three girls looked at her.

"New house?" Jesy asked while Leigh closed the front door. Perrie nodded. Jesy came over and hit the back of his head. "Why the hell didn't you tell me?"

"I thought Jade would." They all looked between Jade and him.

"You knew?" Perrie asked before Jade nodded. "And you didn't tell me?" She put her hands up in surrender.

"He didn't want me to tell you." Nicki wrapped his arms around Perrie. He kissed her shoulder.

"I had to get someone's opinion and Jade's the only one who won't tell." Jade nodded while Jesy and Leigh disagreed. "Leigh you have the biggest mouth out of all of us and Jesy you were ready to blow about the proposal." They both let it go after he spoke.

"So when do we get to see it?" Caitlin asked while she tickled Amelia's stomach. The two blondes shrugged.

"Whenever you guys.." The girls looked at him. "Girls want to see it." He said while correcting himself.

After a couple of minutes they all agreed that tomorrow would be best. Perrie went back to cooking with Debbie assisted after she handed Leigh-Anne, Leighton. The rest of them sat on the couch.

"When have you had the time to do all of this?" Caitlin asked him. He smiled at her.

"I do it in the middle of the night so she won't find out." They all smiled at him. Jesy curled into him and his arm went around her back. Perrie came out of the kitchen and had to take a picture of all of them. She posted it with the caption: I don't know what I'd do without them. She called them all for dinner and they groaned. "I just got comfy Pez." She threw an ice cube at him.

"Get your ass up its dinner time." He nodded before helping all of the girls up. He went over to Perrie before wrapping his arms around her. His front was pressing against her back.

"I love you." He whispered softly in her ear. She turned in his arms before connecting their lips. The smiled happily into the kiss. When they pulled away she kept her hands on his cheeks.

"I love you too."

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