Ch. 36

364 7 3

Third Person p.o.v.

Nicki woke up with a groan. The pain in his chest was unbearable. He shied away from the girl laying next to him so he could turn and lay on his back. Another groan passed his lips as his body hit the bed. The blonde next to him opened her eyes looking at him concerned.

"I'm going to call the nurse." Perrie said softly making sure she wouldn't wake up the other four by the bed. He nodded before squeezing his eyes shut in clear pain. Before Perrie could hit the button to call her the nurse appeared.

The nurse looked over at him before running the strong painkiller through the tube into his bloodstream.

"That should help with the pain." She said quietly before checking his vitals, have a small conversation to make sure he knew where he was and what was going on. When the nurse left Perrie looked over at him. Her hand moved to caress his cheek.

His body relaxed into her touch.

"Don't you ever do that to me again." She said seriously. Nicki looked into her eyes before nodding.

"I promise I won't. But what happened Pezzie." The two blondes exchanged a look before she put her head carefully on his chest, more than aware of the long incision that went down the middle of his chest.

"You're lung collapsed. It happened because.." Perrie paused she didn't know if she could continue. Nicki moved his arm to wrap around her making sure to do it slowly. "You had cancer. That's why they did the surgery. But this." She motioned to the line of bandages down his chest. "Is because a doctor didn't know what he was doing." She looked up at him as his hand rand down her side.

"It's alright Pez. I'm here with you and the babies. That's all that matters." Her hand moved to the bottom of his stomach, she moved it softly side to side. "I love you Perrie."

"I love you too baba." Debbie was watching the conversation from afar. Neither one of them knew she was watching. If she would have thought of it earlier she would have videoed the whole thing.

They in her eyes were honestly the perfect couple. They were inseparable. They each could calm the other in seconds no matter how worked up they got. The smile on her face was prominent, that's when the boy noticed her.

"Mam stop smiling and give me a damn hug." She wouldn't help but smile at that fact that he called her mam. She quickly exited her seat before going to the boy. She wrapped her arms around his neck carefully before squeezing him tightly. "I love you." He mumbled into her neck before kissing her cheek.

"I love you too. But if you ever scare me like that again, I will personally kill you." She warned before kissing his forehead. The three other girls woke up to the voices around them. Jade was the first one to actually see what was going on. The second she realized that Nicki was awake she jumped up and made her way over to the bed.

Nicki pat the bed next to him.

"Come 'ere Poopey." He said with a smile. Jade quickly did as told. Too quick. Nicki groaned as she hit his side. She completely stopped all of her actions.

"I'm sorry Skittles. I didn't mean to." Nicki shook his head shutting her up. Again he pat the bed next to him. She finally was laying down next to her. The other two girls in the room heard Jade call the boy Skittles and they bolted upright. Jesy and Leigh-Anne raced to the bed.

Jesy was the first to do anything. She kissed Nicki on the cheek. A big wet kiss.

"I fucking hate you." She said before her tears started flowing from her eyes. She couldn't hold it in any longer. They were tears of relief. Nicki was like her brother and she held in most of her sadness until now. Perrie recognized her friend crying and new exactly what to do.

She moved from her place next to the boy, before replacing her spot with Jesy. Nicki quickly wrapped his arm around the crying girl comforting her.

"It's alright Jes. I'm right here." He new exactly what she was crying about. They had a bond that was almost like the bond he and Perrie had. Jesy buried her head in the crook of his neck letting all of her pent up tears out. His hand ran comfortingly along her side. Leigh-Anne looked down at the boy. He smiled up at her.

"Lay some sugar on me baby." He said doing his best American accent. Leigh-Anne laughed at him before kissing his hand she had taken from Jade's side. Nicki jokingly pouted before motioning her to lay on the bed with him.

Perrie couldn't help but take a picture at the sight in front of her. Jade and Jesy were asleep while Leigh and Nicki were laughing at each other. She posted the picture with a long caption.

^These past few days have been interesting. Nicki was admitted to the hospital before I even got the chance to go home. That wasn't the only thing though. Nicki and I adopted another little one. This picture pretty much describes the past few days. They were filled with a lot of sadness, some happiness and a pinch of laughter. I'm so lucky to have these four in my lives. They are my rocks. I don't know what I would do without them. Jesy, Leigh-Anne and Jade, thank you for letting me have your shoulders to cry on and thank you for cheering me up when I needed it the most. Nicki... if you ever do that to me again I will kick your ass.^

The picture showed the bandage clearly. Most fans figured he had an operation, but that was all she was going to leave them with. A lot of them also congratulated them on the adoption. She put her phone down before joining the four on the bed.

After a few hours they were all asleep in a deep slumber.

They knew who their rocks were.

They knew that these were the times they would remember.

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