Ch. 03

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Perrie's p.o.v.

I tiredly moved around trying to find a more comfortable position on top of the man underneath me. That's when I realized it. I'm not on top of Alex. Alex is shorter than who Evers underneath me. I bolted up right before feeling a wave of nausea hit me before I could even see who was in bed with me.

I hurled the contents of my stomach into the toilet before I felt a soft yet strong hand wrap around my hair holding it back while he whispered raspy.

"It's ok Pezzie."

That's when it hit me. Everything that happened last night came back to me in a wave of realization that made me sick. Again. Alex had cheated on me. He kissed a girl in the club. I beat the shit out of the girl. I couldn't help but smirk at that. The smirk turned even larger when it hit me that Skittles punched Alex hard last night. That's when I heard the chuckle.

"Why are you smirking? You just destroyed my toilet with the remnants of last nights alcohol infused "fun"..." he said jokingly while air quoting.

"Just the fact that we both got into fights last night and instead of you starting it I did and instead of me ending it you did." I said before bursting into a fit of laughter on the floor in the bathroom. Nicki looked at me before smirking and flushing the toilet.

"I guess the tables have turned..." he said laughing lightly before handing me a toothbrush.

"I guess they have." I said before slowly getting off the floor, and brushed my teeth, as he went back to bed. I finished and turned off the sink before walking back towards the bed before I saw what time it was.

'It's noon' I thought to myself. 'I can't go back to sleep.' Nicki looked too peaceful to wake up so I grabbed my phone and called Archer. I let him out before going to the kitchen, putting a kettle on. I grabbed two cups and tea bags before letting the dog back in.

When I sat down on the couch, I opened up my phone and was greeted by 113 texts and 25 calls from Jesy, Leigh-Anne, Jade, Caitlin and my mom. I opened the texts from my mom first.

-What happened Petal? Is everything alright-

-What did Alex do? Why did Nicki punch him? I am going to have to have a talk with that boy!"-

-Perrie why did you get into a fight!-

-Perrie Louise Edwards ANSWER YOUR PHONE NOW!-

Wow why is mum so mad? She got mad with out even knowing the whole story. That never happens with her. I was interrupted from my thoughts by a cuppa being presented to me and a body dropping next to me on the couch.

"Everything alright Pezzie, you look really pale." He asked, looking at me worriedly.

"Mum is freaking out about what happened last night. It seems like she's pissed at you and me. You may want to check your phone." I explained before I cuddled up against him as he fished his phone out of his pocket.

I looked at his screen at the same time he did.

-123 missed texts and 75 missed calls-

"Oh God." He mumbled before opening them. His face turned ghostly white before I saw a tear roll down his face.

"Nicki?" I questioned softly before I looked down at his phone.

Nicki's p.o.v.

"Nicki?" I heard her question before I felt the whole word crash down on me as I read the one text I never wanted to get.

1 missed text from Taylor.

-Nicki get your ass up now. The studio has been broken into and ransacked. The police are asking for you-

That text. That one text that sent me crumpling to the ground.

1 missed text from Taylor.

-They know who did it. It was Alex.-

Perrie's p.o.v.

Alex that motherfucker did this. I pulled Nicki up off the floor.

"Get up. They know who broke into the studio." I told him while cupping his face looking into his eye. I was doing this until I saw his eyes turn that dangerous shade of blue that meant he was ready to kill. "It was Alex." I merely whispered.

"Who?!" He asked in a slightly raised voice indicating his increase in anger.

"Alex." I told him before he stormed off towards the door. He slammed his shut with enough power to shake the house. "Alex is in for a world of hurt.." I stated to no one before I went and sat on the couch awaiting Nicki's return. "I hope he doesn't do anything stupid."

Nicki's p.o.v.

I saw fire and there was nothing that was going to get in the way of me getting to Alex. Little to his knowledge the studio especially the one in London was my baby and fucking with that meant fucking with me. And you don't wanna fuck with me. I was ready to kill.

To Alex's luck by the time I got down to the station he was in hand cuffs and back in an area where I couldn't reach him. An officer can up to me and led me to an area where they did the questioning. Before the officer came in I was able to look at my phone finding two texts.

-studio is fine he wasn't able to get to any thing of importance. Only thing ruined was a speaker and a chair. Dude must have been too drunk to realize how to actually do damage.-

-Hope everything is ok Baba. I'm making breakfast for when you come back. Talked to mum and explained everything to her. She said to ignore her texts and that she's sorry if you've read them they were done in the heat of the moment. Anyway I'll see you when you get back. Don't do anything stupid.
P.S. Girls are coming over at 1.-

As if on cue when I read the word breakfast my stomach grumbled. I texted her back.

-Can't wait for food. I'm starving.-

-When aren't you starving? 😜-

-I don't think you should be talking - I texted her back before the officer came into the room.

After an hour and a half of questioning Alex had a restraining order out against him and had agreed to pay for the damages. Thank god. I really didn't want to have to go any further with this and just wanted to get home so I could eat and hang with the girls.

By the time I got back to my house Leigh's car was parked in the driveway indicating that her and Jesy were there, and Jade's car was in the garage. I parked my motorcycle in front of Jades car and walked into the house. I was greeted to the smell of bacon and pancakes and a dog that knocked me onto the ground before Archer and Hatchi slobbered up my face. I sat there laughing my ass off before Perrie called the big and small dogs so they were no longer on top of me.

Once the dogs were gone I was greeted to three monstrous hugs by the three oldest girls. I looked up at Perrie.

"Not joining the group hug?" I questioned before laughing.

"A group hug with you? EW.." she said while fake gagging. The girls finally let go of me and we all burst into a fit of laughter before Perrie came up and hugged me. I encased her in a hug as she kissed my chest and looked up at me.

"Everything alright with the studio?" She questioned worriedly. I nodded my head.

"Bastard was too drunk to truly fuck anything up." I said while laughing.

"Good. Now go eat I heard your stomach from the couch." She said before pushing me into the kitchen.

What would I do without these girls.

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