Ch. 37

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Third Person p.o.v.

It had been three months since Perrie and Nicki were in the hospital. The girls and him had been working nonstop on their next album. But that wasn't the only thing Nicki had been working on. He had been working on his own album, along with that he had been working out the perfect way to propose.

Jesy and Jade had been helping with the planning while Leigh-Anne was tasked with keeping Perrie busy.

They babies had been doing phenomenal. They were sleeping through the night and were perfectly healthy. They had taken well to their new environment and Leighton had taken well to his new parents. All three of the babies were growing fast. Though Amelia was still smaller than the other two.

Right now Perrie, Leigh-Anne and Jade had Leighton and Jessie. They were going to the mall. They always found time to get the babies new things. While this was going on, Nicki and Jesy were watching Amelia. That wasn't the only thing the two adults were doing though. They were looking for a ring. They had gone through too many pages. Both of their eyes were burning.

"Jes I give up. Nothing is going to be perfect. I'm going to find someone that can design it. I can't take this never ending search." Nicki stated before picking up his daughter who had been enjoying tummy time on the floor. She was bouncing in his arms, smile prevalent.

Nicki rubbed his nose against her. Jesy was watching the two of them, she was in awe about how absolutely adorable the pair was. Jesy continued to scroll through site after site. Nothing fit Perrie. Nothing was perfect in Jesy's eyes or Nicki's.

Then she saw it.

"Nicki what about this?" Jesy asked excited

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"Nicki what about this?" Jesy asked excited. The second he saw it he knew it was perfect.

"Send me the link I'm buying it today." Jesy couldn't help but smile. She was even more excited for this engagement, than when Perrie got engaged to Zayn. Perrie and Nicki were her best friends. She couldn't wait for them to spend the rest of their lives together. She couldn't see them with anyone else.

Once she had sent him the link he immediately bought it.

"It should get here tomorrow." He said. "I sent it to your house. I don't want to risk Perrie seeing it." Jesy knew exactly what he meant. He wanted her to keep it safe.

"I'll hide it where only you and I will know where it is. But I'm showing Jade..." she said before she was interrupted.

"Don't tell Leigh. She will tell Perrie the second she finds out. She's already about to burst about me wanting to propose." Jesy laughed at the boy sitting in front of her. He had looked so much better than he had in the hospital.

The doctors assured them that there would be no complications of cancer. A stray tear ran down Jesy's cheek. It was an occurrence that only happened here and there. Nicki quickly wiped it away.

"No crying Jes. You promised me that." Jesy instead of fighting him, she pulled him into a tight hug with a giggling Amelia in between them. "What do you want baba?" He said in a cheerful tone once Jesy and him had pulled away. Amelia reached towards Jesy. "I think you better pick her up. If you don't she's going to break down. It's about nap time for her." Jesy grabbed the baby who happily gurgled away.

"She's too fucking cute. But if she falls asleep on me I'm keeping her." Nicki reached for the baby only to have his hand slapped away.

"She's going to fall asleep on you. But there is no way in hell you are keeping her." He stated firmly. Jesy just chuckled before pacing around the room coaxing the baby to sleep. Nicki looked down at his sweating hands. Jesy knew exactly what he was thinking.

"No need to be nervous Skittles. There's no way she would say no. She's too in love with you." Jesy reassured him. Nicki just nodded not taking his gaze from his hands. That's when Jesy noticed it. He had a new tattoo on his hand. Jesy got closer to inspect it. She saw the small script on the inside of his ring finger that was closest to his middle finger.

"I love it

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"I love it." Nicki looked up at her shocked. He didn't think she would notice it. "When did you get it done?" Nicki smiled at her. He usually went to the parlor with Jesy. This time he had gone alone. He didn't want anyone to find out about it.

"Yesterday. Do you think she'll notice?" He asked the brunette in front of him. She shook her head.

"I don't think she will for at least a couple of days. At least until after you get engaged." Nicki nodded at her before they heard loud voices coming though the door. Amelia began to stir.

"Give her to me Jes. You don't want her when she explodes." As soon as he took the infant she burst into tears. They both heard Perrie mutter a 'shit'. She knew that if the baby didn't calm down the other two would start. Once Amelia noticed who's arms she was in, she put her head on his shoulder. Soon enough her crying turned to whimpers. Finally she was asleep.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think she would be down here." Nicki shook his head before kissing Perrie. Jade quietly catcalled before Perrie raised a middle finger to her. He pulled away before handing the infant back to Jesy.

"She won't even realize that I was holding her." Jade looked at him shocked. Usually Jade was the one to get her when she was asleep. "This is the first time she's wanted to sleep on Jesy. Let her have some baby cuddles. Plus I know Jessie would love some Poopey love." He joked before hugging her tightly. Leigh had taken Leighton from the carriage while they were talking.

Jade quickly swooped up the baby. They all went to sit on the couch. Perrie and Nicki were cuddling without a baby between them for the first time in a while.

"They are way to spoiled." Perrie said before he scoffed.

"They can never be too spoiled."

The three girls holding the babies agreed.

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