Ch. 38

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Perrie and Nicki were alone with the babies for the first time in awhile. The three other girls of Little Mix were doing an interview. Perrie had stayed home because Amelia was sick and neither of them knew if the other two would come down with it too.

Right now Nicki was on the floor playing with his sons, while Perrie was holding Amelia. She was watching and laughing. She gently kissed the babies forehead. She noticed her temperature was dropping. It had been a lot higher than it was supposed to be when they took her to the doctor this morning. Medicine had been given and the doctor said that the fever should break in a couple of hours.

"I think her fevers coming down." Perrie told the only other adult in the room.

"Good. I really don't want to have to take her back to the doctors." Nicki was watching the two on the floor with him. Leighton had picked a toy up and threw it at him. His father was just chuckling at the baby in front of him. This caused all three of the babies to laugh along with Perrie. "She hasn't done that in awhile. That's a good sign."

Perrie nodded while tickling the giggling babies stomach. Jessie was reaching towards Nicki as this was happening. He quickly picked the baby who instantly cuddled into him. This was the first time in a long time that the baby fell asleep on him. Leighton and Amelia were still wide awake.

"Come sit over here. I'll play with the other two." Nicki nodded before going into the rocker Perrie had been sitting in. Well he sat in it after he left a kiss on Leighton and Amelia's head and one on Perrie lips. He slowly began rocking in the chair. He felt himself getting tired but he didn't want to fall asleep and leave Perrie to fend for herself with the other two.

"You look beautiful today." He said through a yawn. Perrie sat in front of him her back resting on his legs. She tilted her head back to look at him.

"You didn't look too bad yourself." Nicki smiled at her before Jessie stirred in his arms. His fingers moved gently along the baby's cheeks coaxing him back to sleep. Tonight was going to be the first night that they would leave the babies with their friends and go on date night. They were both nervous. "I don't know if I can leave them." Perrie whispered. One of Nicki's hands moved to caress her shoulders.

"It'll be alright. The girls won't let anything happen." Tonight was also going to be a special night because tonight was the night he was going to propose. What Perrie didn't know was that the babies and the girls were going to be there.

"I just." She paused as a tear ran down her face. "I just don't know if I can do it." More tears were running down her face. Nicki got up and placed the baby in a bassinet, one of the many they had around the house. He picked Perrie up from the floor before placing her in his lap as he sat in the rocker. He caressed her cheek lightly.

"Baba you know how good the babies are with them. I know it's going to be hard. Trust me I don't want to leave them but somethings have to happen. This is going to be just as hard as when they leave for their first day of school. Or their first day of uni or when they leave and start families." That hit a nerve and Perrie was balling. Nicki held her close while placing kisses along her face. "I'm sorry Pez. Please don't cry."

Perrie sucked in a deep breath trying to calm herself. Nicki's hand was running along her spine. She leaned into him before her whole body relaxed.

"I've already made sure they will call us if anything happens. They also said you could call them whenever you want. It'll be alright. You've got me what more do you need." He stated while wiggling his eyebrows. Perrie erupted into a fit of laughter. "My job is done." Perrie grabbed the back of his neck pulling him towards her. His lips hit hers and were moving in perfect sync. They had learned how each of their lips moved. They knew the rhythm they needed to keep.

Perrie playfully bit his lip. She turned so she was straddling him. He grabbed her ass eliciting a gasp which allowed him entrance. Their tongues danced. Neither one wanted control. They just wanted passion. His hands moved along her sides as her hips ground down on his. A moan escaped his lips before they heard a small whimper. Perrie quickly pulled away.

Leighton was about to explode.

"I've got this." Nicki said before standing up with Perrie still in his arms. He placed her back on the rocker before scooping up Amelia and handing the infant to her mother. He then went and got Leighton who quickly calmed down. His head dropped and he was asleep. "He couldn't have done this earlier." Nicki joked. Perrie knew exactly what he was talking about.

She just like him was hot and bothered. Unlike him though she wasn't showing it. It had been since before the babies were born that they had done it. Both needed some action but with the babies it was too hard to be able to have that much alone time.

A thought passed through both of their minds and they both smiled evilly.

Maybe tonight.

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