13. Work, Work, Work

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"MELANIE PLEASE COME HERE" I ran upstairs as fast as I could.
"Yes Miss Rose?"
We had been working hard on a new business deal for two weeks now and we were both stressed out to the max. We had no down time any more.
"Bring me the McCain files asap and I need all financial reports from the past five years see if you can get them to me in the next hour"
I ran back to my office and picked up the phone right away I got Mr McCain's assitant
"Hello my name is Melanie Rice I'm Calling on behalf of Miss Maria Rose she is requesting all financial reports as soon as possible could you please fax them to her in the next hour"
The assistant was rude but assured me she'd have everthing faxed over in 20 minutes. I looked at my desk covered in files and I had to take a deep breath. Quickly tying my hair up I picked up a pile of files and ran them back to Miss Rose. When I got to her office she had her head in hands as she attempted to calm herself.
"The financial reports will be faxed over in the next half an hour and here are the files you wanted" I gently placed everything on her desk.
"Thank you for everything Melanie I couldn't have done it without you" she smiled weakly at me. I moved to her side of the desk and knelt down putting my hands in her lap. "Hey I'm worried about you. You're going to burn out" I grabbed her hand. She looked at me for a few seconds like she was considering something before brushing me off "Please get back to work Melanie" I quickly stood up "Yes of course sorry. I'll go look over the contracts again" I mumbled and walked out.
I spent the next two hours locked up in my office reading legal documents for the hotel Miss Rose is trying to acquire. She had been to Australia a few years ago and had her heart set on a hotel there and now she's quit the magazine she's in the process of buying it but with competition the process is brutal.
Miss Rose and I had not been close since her birthday, if anything she's pushed me away and I can't figure out why.
I needed a break so I got up to have a shower. When I got out I looked at myself in the mirror "What is it that she doesn't like?" I felt my heart sink a little as I wondered what it is she doesn't like. Was I too fat? Not fat enough? too short? Too tall? Maybe I just wasn't smart enough or funny enough. I gave up sighing and putting on shorts and an oversized jumper I walked out of my room and I could hear music playing.
I went down stairs where I saw a light on and moved to lean against the door frame where I saw Miss Rose dancing in the kitchen while she cooked. I smiled admiring this beautiful woman dancing with a spatula in her hand. She swayed her hips and turned to the beat as graceful as always

I couldn't help but let my mind wander... Her hands were mature but I loved their touch, Her eyes tired but I craved their attention, Her body older but my lips wanted to kiss every part. My heart burned with desire.. Desire to feel anything in return.
I think.. I think maybe I'm falling for Miss Rose.

"Are you hungry?" Miss Rose turned down the music smiling a genuine smile now.
"I sure am, what are you cooking?" I asked now seated in front of her.
"lasagne!" we both laughed as she did a little dance.
She moved around the bench and put out her hand "Come dance with me" She pouted waiting for me to join in. I took her hand and she spun me into her we both laughed as we twirled around the kitchen together occasionally running into walls and knocking stuff off the benches. We were seeing who could do the best spin when I tripped over my own feet but she reached out to catch me laughing as she pulled me into her chest. "You make me feel young again Melanie, Let's take it slow" she said quietly as we slow danced together around the kitchen enjoying the warmth of being so close to one another.
I looked up at her "Y-you're beautiful" she froze for a minute looking down at me making my heart swirl.
"I think the food is ready" she pulled away leaving me feeling empty again.
We sat at the table eating the food she cooked when.. it came out. before I even knew what I was doing "I can't help but feel these feelings towards you" I blurted out but she didn't even flinch. It was like she was expecting it. "Melanie I told you when we first met that I have this sort of affect on young ones" she didn't care.
"No it's not like that.. It's not an infutation it's so much m-" Miss Rose cut me off slamming her fork on the table "That's enough Melanie!" she almost yelled this time. Shocked and confused I left the table and went to my room. It's time to back off.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2017 ⏰

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