6. Home

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It was good to be home I thought as I threw myself on my bed. I don't have to work tomorrow so I just planned to study all day.
My stomach grumbled and I checked the time 5:00pm I wonder what Linda is doing..
Linda is my bestfriend she's a curvy 5'4 stunner with long black hair and also the only person I tell everything to. I decided to pick up my phone and call her,  maybe she'd want to grab dinner.

I paid the cab driver a 20 and hopped out the car at my favourite diner. The front windows are lined with blue flowers and there are charming benches out the front painted a baby blue it's a beautiful place.
"Hey girl!" I turned to see Linda strutting down the side walk.
"Hey babe it's been too long!" it had been 4 weeks since the last time we managed to find the time to meet up.
"I know you'll have to tell me all about this woman in your life" I stood there confused "I know there's someone in your life when you look so happy. Melanie you've been so caught up at school and work you haven't glowed like this in a long time." she's right I've been miserable.
"Let's go get food "
we sat in our favourite booth where we've shared many conversations and ordered our favourite iced tea.
I asked Linda all about work, she's a personal assistant for a fashion designer and is constantly working.
"I need to tell you something"  I gave her a questioning look "Thomas proposed to me" I almost screamed in excitement. "OMG no way! Congratulations I'm so happy for you.  When??" she was beaming and I'm so happy for her.
"3 months ago..you're the first person I've told, with Thomas being in the public eye we wanted to keep it a secret until his ex wife signed their divorce papers. She's been refusing to for 2 years now!"
Thomas is a very wealthy businessman and his wife had been refusing to sign the divorce papers since their separation claiming that she deserves half of everything he has made even though they had signed a prenuptial agreement stating that she'd get the house and the car but his private earnings stay with him.
"The wedding is in 3 months.. I want you to be my maid of honour.  It'll be a small wedding and I won't really require you to do anything but be my #1 support because Melanie you mean the world to me"
I wanted to cry I love Linda like she's family.
"Oh of course I'll be right beside you!I love you so much" after a few tears of joy we finally managed to calm down.
"So do you think you'll bring this new lady in your life" I sighed slouching back in my seat. "There is no new lady. Well there is but apparently she doesn't like women" I rolled my eyes saying the last part. "You don't sound too sure about that, who is this mystery woman?" I told her everything from the first day at work to Hayley and her holding me in the cab.
"Wow how old is this woman?" I scratched my head not sure how to answer
"Well I'm not exactly sure. She looks like she's in her 30s but she could be older" I watched nervously at Linda's reaction "Miss Melanie Rice you are a piece of work but we need to find out how old this woman really is. We need to look her up" I tried to stop her from fear of knowing but Linda pulled out her phone to look up Miss Maria Rose.
"Mrs Maria Rose..  You didn't tell me she was married" Linda looked at me in shock "She's separated but she doesn't go as Mrs." I explained
"Oh okay well Mrs Maria Rose is... Woah girl 42 years old. 43 in a few days" I looked at her my eyes wide in disbelief.  42?!?!
Linda spent the next half an hour talking about her wedding and wether or not I'll bring my sexy new boss.

It was nice catching up with Linda but it was now 9:00pm and I was exhausted. Walking into my apartment I yawned and threw my stuff on the table and pulled out my laptop to check my emails.
"What the hell" I mumbled as I opened an email from an address I didn't recognise.

To Miss Melanie Rice,
I want to thank you for joining me on my trip to New York. You made for pleasant company and I am very impressed with how you handled yourself at the meeting. I know you're currently studying and I want to offer you a different position as my assistant and legal advisor for all my business deals - Not just the magazine. This will give you a wonderful headstart into the world of law. You will be payed handsomely and will have access to anything you need to finish your studies. Please take this offer into consideration and meet me in my office Tuesday at 9:00am for further details.
Yours sincerely,
Miss Maria Rose.

My head spun as I thought about what I just read. I need wine I thought and got up to pour myself a glass of red. If I take this offer it'll mean I spend a lot more time with Maria.. No I won't be doing fashion anymore but this will compliment my studies.
I'd have to think about it some more I still have a day to think about it.
I was startled by my phone going off.

"Hi sugar it's mummy. Sorry to call you so late but I'm afraid I have some bad news"
"What's wrong? Are you okay?"
"I'm afraid we're going to have to sell your apartment. Daddy has lost his job and we're moving to Spain so I can work some more over there"
"That's fine I can find somewhere else to live. I just received a job offer for a job that pays well just take care of yourself ma I love you"
"I love you to sweety I'll call you again soon mwah"

I don't really speak to my parents much anymore as they're always moving around but for Dad's work but now he's unemployed mum gets to live out her dream in Spain. I'm happy for her.
I rubbed my head and got into bed as I thought about all the house hunting I'll have to do but first..  I'm going to have to take Maria's job offer.

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