11. Jealousy?

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I woke up in Miss Rose's bed to find her gone. I sat up replaying the events in my head smiling to myself although I wish she would've let me pleasure her. I walked out of her room to look for her when I heard a voice from her office
"I don't know what came over me. I shouldn't have done it Hayley she's 21! Neither of us should have gone near her the poor girl would break at our touch" I heard Miss Rose speaking to Hayley I assumed on the phone.
"Love don't beat yourself up over it you were only acting with good intentions" That's when I heard Hayley.. She must be here to I thought. I raced to my room and slammed my door shut hyperventilating. Did they really see me as a weak child? I felt awful now realising I've made a move on both women.
"Hey sweety are you okay?" I heard Hayley call from outside my door she must've heard me slam it. I put on a brave face and opened the door to see both women with concerned looks on their faces. I smiled brightly "Me? Yeah I'm great. Good to see you again Hayley" I went up and hugged her trying to act as if I heard nothing.
I stepped back and cleared my throat "If you'll excuse me I have to shower I have a rather important date to get to but please make sure Miss Rose has a lovely birthday" I closed the door on the two shocked women on the other side and ran into my shower. Oh God I thought as I ran my hands through my hair.. What have I gotten myself into.

I didn't have a date but I knew now I had no other choice but to get ready for one. I sent a text to Linda asking her if she's free to meet for drinks. I needed to get drunk.
I pulled out a tight purple dress that was low cut at the back exposing a lot of bare skin. I curled my hair and pinned some of it back with pretty purple clips and applied a sex smokey eye with pink lips. My outfit was almost a mix of sweet and sexy and I loved it. I checked my phone and to my luck Linda was free. I checked myself over again, pleased I went to grab a glass of water.
"Ladies" I smiled as I met with the two women in the kitchen who just stared.
I reached up to the cupboard that was almost too high for me to pull out a glass as I felt a hand on my waist "Woah" startled I almost lost my balance. "Here let me help you with that" Hayley effortlessly grabbed a glass and handed it to me before making her way back to Miss Rose on the other side of the counter.
"Thank you, what are you guys up to tonight?" I asked filling up my glass
"I thought I'd get Maria here a girl to bring home" I started choking on my water "Are you alright?" Hayley asked and I just nodded.
"I told you to worry about yourself" Miss Rose said as she rolled her eyes
"Oh Don't worry I've got my eyes on something already" Hayley smirked at me and I suddenly felt faint. I leaned back on the counter and I must've looked sick as Miss Rose rushed to my side "Hey what's wrong? Are you not feeling good?" she moved me to a chair and I suddenly got irritated at how these women were acting.
"I'm fine" I snapped. I looked back at both women again. "So what's the rules here for me? Am I allowed a guest?"

I reached the bar Linda agreed to meet me at and there she was, stunning as ever waiting out the front. "You look like you need a few drinks" was all she said and with that we were doing tequila shots in no time. "So she fucked you?" I was telling Linda about everything that happened "Yeah and now she thinks I'm some child that's too fragile to handle it" I rolled my eyes and took another shot. "Maybe I am you know? I mean look at me! I just lost my virginity to a 43 year old woman who's best friend is trying to sleep with me and now I'm here drowning me feelings in alcohol" I sighed sitting back in the booth. "No! You're one of the strongest girls I know babe. You just really like this woman and honestly it sounds like she likes you to but is too confused within herself to truly admit it." we sat in silence for a minute before her face lit up. "Let's make her jealous!" I thought about it for a second "I don't think I could" I mean could anyone make Maria Rose jealous? "Take me home with you" she demanded. "Isn't your fiancè at home waiting for you?" She shook her head "No we're on a break. Nothing serious the wedding is still going on we just needed time apart" She didn't look at all concerned instead she looked at me and again "Take me home with you" she demanded.

It was 12:00am when we finally made our way back to the house and we were both very drunk. I paid the cab driver and Linda grabbed onto my waist "you ready?" she whispered in my ear and we made it through the front door. I tried to find the light switch to the hallway when I tripped and crashed into Linda we were inches apart when we heard footsteps coming. Before I could comprehend what was happening Linda had me pushed up against the front door as she harshly kissed me I forgot who it was for a minute as every kiss from her felt desperate and hot as she slipped her tongue in my mouth
"Were you looking for the light?" I pushed Linda away slightly and looked up to find Miss Rose and Hayley standing there both in robes.
"I'm so sorry did we disturb you? I just have a hard time keeping my hands off this one. I had to fight off the women after her all night just to get her attention" Linda smiled so innocently at them. I was embarrassed now.
"That's quite alright I think we all know the feeling" Hayley laughed but Miss Rose just stormed off back to her room.
"I'm sorry I disturbed you guys" I apologised "We were just watching a movie. Maria doesn't seem to want a bar of this any more!" Hayley pointed to herself and rolled her eyes.
"Isn't she just crazy" Linda spoke up to my surprise.
"Oh yes she is. I'm Hayley nice to meet you" She reached out and shook Linda's hand. "Linda" she simply replied smiling
"The Linda? Oh don't tell me you were just trying to make Maria jelaous" She laughed remembering how I told her all about Linda on the date.
I shrugged ashamed at my failed attempt "it looks like it worked why don't you go speak to her and I'll show Linda here around"
I turned to Linda for approval "You go do that I'd like to get to know Hayley better"

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