I heard his soft chuckle on the other end. "I'm more than fine. As cheesy as it is, I just wanted to hear your voice. I've been doing lots of work for the company today. I'm taking a little break."

Pushing my laptop away on the table, I relaxed into the comfortable cushioned couch and closed my eyes. "Mmm. I could use one too. My brother already left."

"Has he? Best wishes to him."

"I'll pass the message along once I talk to him again." I paused for a few seconds before asking my question. "Do you have any plans for New Year's Eve?"

I imagined that amused smile on his face as I asked the question. "I had plans spending it with you. Why?"

"Good, I had the same thing on my mind. Think we can do the countdown over at my place? Just you and me..."

"Countdown to the seconds I can be with you or the actual countdown for the new year?"

"The new year, you goof," I laughed. "Will you? I think it's my turn to do the cooking and preparing. I've spent so much time at your place already. We have to keep it fair and balanced."

"As long as I'm with you, anything sounds good."

"Okay, I'm going to end this call before you turn into a cheeseball." I grinned. "Gooooodbye, Caleb."

"Bye sweetheart. I love you."

"Mm, I love you too." I ended the phone call, and after smiling to myself for a minute, I finally went back to what I was doing earlier. 


After a two days worth of waiting, New Year's Eve finally came along with the excitement and upbeat festivities of the day.  People were out buying fireworks and last minute grocery shopping. Unfortunately, I was one of those late goers to the grocery store. With the extra hours I worked at the restaurant, the day before the holiday was the only free day I had. I was even lucky enough to get this day off from work.

I maneuvered through the busy supermarket that was only a few blocks away from my loft. It was the same place I went to on my first day in Seattle. I pushed through people occasionally apologizing and grabbed the ingredients off the shelves. 

Coming back to the safety of my kitchen, I displayed all the things I bought out on the table. Now, I wasn't a great cook. I never was, but I did know how to whip up some great pasta. At least my version of 'great.' 

Caleb was due to arrive in an hour at eight. I had plans on just making tonight relaxing by watching a movie or two before the countdown. 

Once I finished setting the table with our food, I glanced up at the clock. The short hand already hit the eight mark, but there was still no sign of Caleb. I didn't think too much of it and decided to pick out the DVDs I rented. After he was well over thirty minutes late, I started to worry. It wasn't that I was mad at him for not arriving on time, but I hadn't heard from him all day except a text letting me know how excited he was for tonight.

I checked my phone, itching to call him but decided against it at the thought that he might be driving. I waited for a good fifteen more minutes, and I began to grow restless. The bare skin that I showed off thanks to the dress I was wearing formed goosebumps. 

Where was he? 

I had my phone in my hand and was just about to hit the dial button when I heard knocks on the door. Those heavy sounds could only come from one person, and I threw the door open with an irked expression on my face.

"I know, I'm late, and I'm sorry." Caleb strode in with an apologetic look on his face. He was donning a navy blue Lacoste shirt that looked quite great on his body. "There was a huge car accident on the way here, and traffic was slow."

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