chapter 56

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Thanks guys for your cute support... I planned to end it but I got a new theme so for now it is not going to end... so it's happy time and reading time...

Important  : so next one will not be chapter and it's gonna be just update to know about me more.. so if you guys want to ask any questions you can post in the comment box and if you guys really need to say something about my writings or anything... you can just post it and I will reply to you in the next update...

Back to the update..

Every one were shocked to see abhi lying on the floor. Pragya rushed to him followed nu others. She immediately took his head on her lap and was crying hard to make him wake up. Abhi was still smiling and it was fading while pragya asked arjun to take him from here. Arjun and purab takes abhi and moves towards their car while riya consoles pragya and they started to move .

In the car , pragya was crying while asking abhi to wake up. But he was losing his concious and she was insisting him not to close his eyes. Abhi holds her hand and tries to wipe her tears but he could not reach near her. Pragya looking at him was asking purab to drive fast and abhi was battling between his life and death.

" pragya..." he called in a low voice. He could not see her crying and somewhere in his heary he is happy that there is someone in this world is there to cry other than dadi . Though he is happy to close his eyes but he can't leave her as He is her life and he should fight with his death for her. His thoughts were broken by her soft touch where he could loss his world. He was only worried about her but not him nor his pain because he knows that she will take care of him.

She kissed his forehead while making an eye contact with him and with that abhi closed his eyes with a promise that he will come back soon to her.

Pragya was shocked and asked purab to drive fast as he closed his eyes. Riya asked her not to worry as they are near by the hospital.  They reached and arjun gets down and brings the stretcher. They made abhi to lie on it and fastens to the operation theatre. The doctor stopped them and pragya looked at him through the glass . She was praying to god that nothing should happen to him and arjun completes the rest of the formalities. 

Sarla sits on the chair and was praying to god for abhi. She never realised their love and she did wrong with him by blindly trusting him and his words.she done a big mistake by separating  abhi from pragya who almost gave his life for her. He didn't even thought about his life and this made her to feel guilty. Even she could not find a person like him . Her thoughts were disturbed by arjun.

" you understood how much important is pragya for abhi..." he asked sitting near her.

She could not even face him as she felt ashame of her things she did to her own daughter but still tried to speak.

" I don't know why I didn't belived him rather than I trusted aditya. .." sarla tells breaking into tears.

Arjun pats her back as he continued " ma...abhi and pragya are made for each other ... no one can separate them ... it may be me or please accept them ma...I am sure that abhi will take good care of pragya..." he tells while a tear escaped from his eyes. He wiped it and looked at pragya who was standing near the door lifelessly. She didn't even blink her eyes and was staring at something. He walked towards her as she didn't even realised that he is near her and was not even crying. Arjun calls her but there was no response from her. He surrounds his hand around her shoulder and pulls for a hug while she just didn't reciprocated it. He becomes angry at her and slapped while she sensed something on her face . She touched her cheeks while tears brimming in her eyes while purab and riya comes there.

" could he do this to me... i must be the one there...but he pushed me and took that bullet. .." she tells and all could sense a shaking in her voice.

" he did because he loves you a lot and could not see you in pain..." He said caressing her hair.

" but now I am not happy by seeing his state.. infact i am dying inside..." she said finely breaking down infront of them.

All were worried and riya took her from there.

In canteen...

Riya ordered coffee for them and looked at pragya who is still looking weak and sad.  Though they never talked like a friend still now but she really cares for pragya. The coffee arrives and riya asked her to have it. She refused but riya insisted her to drink. Finally she took a sip and wiped her tears.

" pragya..I know you won't believe me that I did many things to you..I thought to separate you from abhi , I tried to kill you and infact i didn't loved abhi like you..i took they say he showed me a concern in a wrong way...and I too know sorry is not enough for what I did but please accept this me I don't have any feelings on abhi than friendship and i am feeling guilty for hurting you..." riya tells while holding her hand.

Pragya smiled weakly at her and assured her by noding her head.

" will you accept my appology and my friendship. .." riya asked.

" I was not at all anger at you so I don't need your appology but I could not accept your friendship. .." Pragya looked looking down.

" why..." riya asked worried.

" because you are my friend from the beginning ...." Pragya said smiling at her .

That time riya 's phone rings. She picked up the phone telling its arjun.

" hello...what happened..." she asked and replied " ok ...we are coming..." . She tells and tells pragya that doctor came out of the operation theatre.

Both leaves and reached there while the doctor was telling something and dadi , dasi and abhi's family are also there.

They are crying their heart out and pragya's heart starts to beat fast. PURAB was holding doctor's collar and was shouting at him and arjun is trying to get rid of him.

Pragya walks towards them and aliya holds her hands.

" di..... bhai mar chuka hai.....(he is dead).

The moment freezed ...

To be continued. ..

By your aditi...

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