chapter 45

654 57 7

Guys I got my account back...thanks to the whole wattpad team who was a great support in retrieving this account....
I am flying in the sky as my account is back to me..

so moving on to the story..

" first I have to inform aditya that I am going to stop him..wait ...let me seek some help from him..."  she dialled his number but it was switched off.

She looks around for him but she can't find him.

" no other way have to do this..." pragya thinks as she takes abhi with her . He was blabbering something which is irritating her but she can't leave him as such.

With much effort , she made him to sit in the car and closed the door.

" abhi....please stop irritating me with your useless talks .." pragya tells while she starts the car.

" arey fuggie...can't you speak polite .... always ordering me like a wild cat ..." abhi tells while pragya looks at him in shock.

" kya ..." pragya asked him while abhi shooks his head.

" I an angry bird..." he said making funny faces which irritated her more .

After 25 minutes of her hard work , they reached their hotel. Pragya takes abhi by surrounding her hands around his waist and his hands set on her shoulder. He leaned towards her but pragya managed with it.

" hey looks like a rockstar right...." a person quite far from them asked while looking at them.

" yes and it's pragya right...." other one asked with an amusement.

" do you have your camera. ..." he asked while the other one handled him.

He took the pictures of them and says " tomorrow it's gonna be viral and our channel will reach top most position...." he says and both laughs together.


" sorry pragya...actually we forgot about him..." purab tells while arjun and riya takes abhi with them.

" how can you forget him yaar..." pragya asked quite in anger.

" I didn't forget him wholly as you did...why you played with his feelings... I thought you will be better than riya but you proved me I am wrong .." said purab who always consider her as his elder sister.

" purab...I didn't mean to hurt's my situation to do so....." pragya tells in a sad tone.

" what may be the would have fought against it rather than accepting it...." purab tells in a frustrated tone as he was worried for abhi.

" I am leaving..." pragya tells wiping her tears which flows down her cheeks and runs from there.

" I will see how much  will you run. ..." purab thinks and leaves from there.


" how much you drunk bro? " arjun asked making abhi to lie on the bed. Riya covers him with a duvet and abhi looks at them..

" arey yaar...I drank lots and loads of bottles...." abhi says while siding his hands.

" enough of these talks....abhi....better you sleep..will see you tommorow ..." riya tells while switching off the lights.

Arjun and riya moved out looking at purab sitting on sofa who was disturbed by pragya's words.

" what happened purab...did you spoke with pragya..." Arjun asked and purab nods his head.

" I can't able to think what is going in her mind...I know she loves abhi a lot because even today I can see the same love and care in her eyes but why she is just held up in her ma's words...." purab said with an irritation.

" she respects her purab...and we can't blame her...only if sarla ma agrees , she will open her mouth...." riya tells and arjun and purab agreed.

" hope that day is not far...." purab tells while getting up from the sofa .

" good night guys..let's talk later..." riya tells as she leaves from there and both arjun and purab departed to their room.


Next day...

" what this shitt she had done ...." aditya shouts while crushing the paper to the bin.

He was on his way to garden when the servant stops him to give the paper. He feels happy that his bachelor's party pictures would be in first page but to his shock...abhi and pragya's close pics were leaked.

" DO ROCKSTAR HAVE A SECRET RELATION WITH PRAGYA...."  aditya fumes in anger , jealous walked to his room.

He can't understand what relation does abhi shares with pragya and he remembers about their dance , etc..

Today I have to know what they both share.he marched to her room.

Pragya was sitting before the window and applying her lipstick when aditya looks at her in anger. She looked at him through mirror and thought what happened to him.

" what relation to you share with abhi...." aditya asked without thinking about anything. He just want to know the truth and pragya stands with a shock.

" aditya...what's there to ask..." pragya somewhat managed to speak but was cut by him.

" It means a you read today's newspaper...." aditya asked as pragya nods her head no. He takes the paper and asked her to read. PRAGYA was shocked by that and had tears in her eyes.

" aditya....what you not true..." pragya tried to speak but aditya stopped her.

" do you love him..." aditya asked while pragya stares him.

" no..." she said blankly.

" why you are lying....I know you love him till now and used to cry after watching his concerts because it's dedicated for you think I am mad and dont have any idea about it...."  He said while throwing the diary on her face .

PRAGYA catches it and was shocked as it's her personal diary about her love for abhi.

" you know what...I read it yesterday only....and came to know about the truth ...." aditya tells and pragya looks at him.

" you still love him right...can't able to forget him..." aditya continues and pragya looks down.

" you want to marry him...." aditya asked and pragya looks at him blank.

Screen shifts between their faces...

Soon aditya's track gonna end. ..

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Hope you like my return ....again to wattpad...

Love you all

Aditi. ...
So again I am posting this....

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