Chapter 7

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My head was spinning as I opened my heavy eyes. I took a few seconds for me to realize where I was, it felt like deja vu. But it wasn't. I was actually lying here in Luke's driveway, just like I was a few hours ago. Wait, what if I only woke up once, and that once was right now. What if I didn't wake up before. What if I didn't already go home. What if I didn't kiss Luke. The realization suddenly kicked in, it was a dream. My heart suddenly sank, was it because I didn't kiss Luke? It felt so real, our bodies pushed together, like two different forces coming together. I can't believe it wasn't real. I stayed down, leaning back on my elbows. I waited for a while but no surprise Luke didn't show. I don't know why the fuck I was expecting him to, I keep forgetting there's nothing going on between us, other than the fact he attacked me.

"It's him, it's that house, it's you, now I know why you're here."

His voice played through my head like a scratched record giving me the energy to get up and away from his house. The grey gravel stuck to my skirt as I got up and I had to wipe it off, leaving a white stain on my ass. I groaned and walked away. I don't know why I wasn't scared this time, I can't help feeling like I know Luke from the "heart-to-heart" we had in my kitchen.. even if it wasn't real. I mean, what about the shed? My own imagination couldn't of made that up, I literally have no idea what that shed was used for and why it is there, and he was so descriptive of what happened.

I unlocked the door and my mother rushed over to me,

"Jennifer! Where have you been? I've been calling you! Are you okay? Did something happen? Do you know what time it is?!" She asked frequent questions as she ushered me into the kitchen. I glanced over to where me and Luke sat, picturing him back there.

"I.. I'm sorry, I was doing an after-school project.. And my phone was off." I blatantly lied.

"Oh thank god!" She dropped a kiss on the top of my head, holding my face.

"I got worried.." She trailed off.

"I know you did mum, I'm sorry." I sighed.

"It's alright sweetheart." She sent a warm smile my way, making the guilt melt a little.

"I have a headache, so I'm going to go to bed." Which wasn't a complete lie, my head was a bit sore.

Shit. The blood. Did she see it? I mentally cursed myself for not thinking of it, I quickly left the room and ran upstairs, straight into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. No blood, not even a cut. Anywhere. I pushed back my hair, still nothing. My hair was slightly bedraggled, my mascara had smudged a little and I had dark circles under my eyes. But other than that, I was nowhere near as bad as I was when I looked before in my dream.

Without bothering to get into pyjamas after washing my face and teeth, I took off my clothes and hopped into bed with just my underwear. I curled up until the shivers went away, god it was cold.

My mum woke me up hurriedly saying something about how I was late and my alarm didn't go off. Even with me going to bed early, my head was pounding and I could hear the blood rushing inside it. All I wanted to do was bury back under the warm duvet and hide forever, but I couldn't. I stepped onto the cold floor and slipped into my wrinkled uniform. I tried and failed to flatten out my shirt and my skirt still had the faded white patch on the back, which wouldn't be going away anytime soon. My face was free off makeup and I guess it would have to stay that way, even if it meant looking like a demon for the day. I just didn't have time, it was my second day in school and my second day being late, so much for a clean start. I grabbed a banana from the table on my way out the door.

"Bye mum!" I yelled before slamming the door behind me.

I hurried down the road to the school. When I got in, the halls were completely quite. Shit, it must be really late. I checked my phone, 9.31am. The first class was almost over, and that teacher really scared me. But I was just going to have to go in. I took a deep breath and opened the door, the familiar feeling being stared at took over. I felt each head look up to see who was disturbing the class.

"Ms. Dion, would you be so kind as to inform me where you have been all morning?" Ms. Lee sarcastically asked me.

"I overslept." I admitted.

"Oh, is that so? You're going to let sleep get in the way of an education? Is that what you're future career is going to be? A diploma in sleeping? I'm sure you would be great at it." She smirked, making the class laugh.

I just nodded as my face reddened and walked down to my seat, beside Luke. He didn't look at me, but I could see he was pale with dark circles under his eyes. I chose to ignore it and sat down.

"What the fuck happened yesterday?" I whispered as Ms. Lee continued teaching.

He still wouldn't make eye contact with me.

"Please, don't speak to me." He whispered.


"You will only get yourself hurt. And that's what I do best, I hurt people."

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