Chapter 4

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The last class was the longest, we were back in Maths and this Luke kid was annoying the fuck out of me. From what I've uncovered, he's a swat with absolutely no social life. I much prefer Jai, he's hot. Jai Russo, Italian? I don't know, but wow. He invited me to a party this weekend at his house with a just a few friends. It would be pretty awkward but I'll go, I have to make friends somehow because I will not end up like Luke, with no friends.

This new teacher was pretty good, I was starting to understand Maths a little now, you know that feeling when you suddenly understand? Yeah, like that. Finally, the school bell rang and Ms.Wilkinson, the small, shy teacher called me up.

"Jennifer Dion?"

"Yes miss?"

"Ms. Lee is looking for you."

"Who's that?" I have a feeling she was the one who taught us for that first, miserable class.

"Ms. Lee taught you Geography, first class. She is your tutor."

At that moment, the door was open and Ms.Lee walked into the empty classroom that students had filed out of five minutes ago.

"You can leave now," Ms.Lee sternly told the small teacher.

She seemed like one of them teachers who thought they could control everyone with a click of their fingers.

"I heard that slight tone you had with me his morning, and I want to let you know that it will no longer be continued and if you persist, you will simply have a detention for every time."

I was shocked that she would accuse me of this, I said about 3 words to her. What the fuck?

"I hardly spoke to you and you think you know everything about me? Think again, because you don't have a clue. You are one of those clueless teachers that think they know everything about 'teens thesedays' well guess what? You don't." I knew I shouldn't of said that much the second it spilled from my mouth but there was no going back now, I had to stand my ground.

"This is exactly what I'm talking about, and if you keep acting like a stupid five year old, then so be it. You will endure the consequences." With that, she turned on her heel, leaving me alone in the darkening classroom.

Shrugging, I walked out of the class not long after her. 

Outside the school, I couldn't help but let the findings in the shed play on my mind once again. I walked along the short walkway home, one headphone in my left ear. I heard a large scrape behind me and there was Luke, behind me. I ignored him and carried on, getting closer to my house. He was still behind me.. Why the hell is he following me? Weirdo.

"Why are you following me?" I quickly confronted him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I-I'm not.." 

"Then why the fuck did you follow me all the way to my driveway?" 

"I um, live right there.." He awkwardly pointed to another large house, the closest one in sight besides mine.

"Oh.." So embarrassing, my face was burning and I literally could not think of anything to say. Usually I'm quite quick-witted but this has me stumped.

"W-wait this is your house?" The tremor in his voice was unmistakable as his eyes darted from me to the house.


"Oh, well I better g-go." Luke quickly avoided the situation, looking for a quick escape.

"What do you know?" 

"What do you mean?" He knew what I meant.

"About the fucking house, what else?" I sarcastically threw my hands in the air.

"Nothing." His eyes went a dark shade, making me feel uneasy.

"Just tell me!" He was so infuriating. 

"I said fucking no." His hand clenched into balls, making veins runs up and down his muscular arms. He didn't seem like the type to curse, guess I was wrong.

He continued to walk past me and I half walked half ran after him, trying to keep up with his extremely quick pace. We got into his driveway, which wasn't as long as mine but still long.


He ignored me, why is he being a dickhead all of a sudden? Was it something I said?

Without giving me time to move he pinned me against the wall of the side of his house. Holding his head close to mine so his curls brushed my face. His eyes completely dark, from his kind hazel brown to a devious almost black. His hands took a hold of my wrists tightly as his body pressed on mine against the wall.

"It's him, it's that house, it's you, now I know why you're here." He sounded different, his voice was deep and husky sending shivers through my body. Too much is shock to move I didn't even make a sound under his strengthening grip. Suddenly I felt his hand loosen around my wrists and he snapped his head back to look at me, his eyes completely normal again.

"H-how did you get here?" He looked vulnerable and scared but I was finally able to breath again.

"What the fuck Luke? What did you mean by what you said? You were hurting me!"

"What are you talking about?" He asked, genuinely confused.

 "You were like, holding me against the wall?" Was he stupid?


"Literally two seconds ago."

"Not again.." He whispered before running away from me, and into his house.

"Luke!" He slammed the door and locked it.

"Luke!" I shouted his name, banging on the door. I listened with my ear against the door, nothing, absolute silence. I looked in through one of the small windows either side of the door. My eyes came in contact with Luke's, they were completely black this time. I yelped at the fright I got, the was walking towards the window at a slow pace, it looked like he was moving in slow-motion. Suddenly a inhuman noise screeched so loud I thought my head was going to explode. The last thing I saw was a huge object smashing through the glass in front of me and that noise echoing through my head.

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