Chapter 5

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My head was still spinning as I opened my heavy eyes. I slowly lifted my hand to my head, tracing my fingers lightly over the dried blood. Memories flooded back, walking home from school, being with Luke, his eyes and that noise, that horrible noise.

"It's him, it's that house, it's you, now I know why you're here."

I suddenly remembered what he said. Before I could question it like I usually do, I pulled myself to sit up which made my head feel like there was a hammer inside it, banging around. I squinted my eyes at the harsh light, sunset. I couldn't have been knocked out for long. About an hour or two? I stood to my feet, stumbling a bit. A trickle of new blood oozed over the dry blood, I held my sleeve to it trying to stop the blood flow. I looked at the broken glass and the tightly bounded pile of bibles that came through the window. I took a few steps back, freaked out. Luke was nowhere to be seen, I started to run out of the driveway. It seemed much longer than it had when we walked in. 

I looked behind me as I raced to my house as fast as I could. Still no Luke. I let out a sigh of relief as I slammed my front door behind me, leaning my back against it processing what just happened.

"It's him, it's that house, it's you, now I know why you're here."

Who's 'him'? What about the house, and how does he know what I'm here for? I wonder where he is now, he could be anywhere. He could be in my house for all I know. The thought send cool shivers up my spine. I locked the front door and quickly checked all the windows and doors downstairs with Luke still on my mind. I padded softly up the stairs, not wanting to disturb my mum even though I probably already did with that slam. I pushed open her door with a quiet creak, she was curled up in bed with a glass of water and a few boxes of tablets beside her bed. She was having one of her days. I sighed as I pulled the duvet over her cold-looking body and tucked her in, leaving a gentle kiss on her forehead before going into her en-suite. 

The blood was a dark brown/black colour and bits were starting to peel. I was still shaky as I scrubbed the blood off my face and washed off the remnants of make-up I half sweated off. I scraped my hair into a loose ponytail to stop it sticking to the cut. When I walked out, I glanced at the pills beside her bed as my head pounded. I picked up the yellow tub with 'Anti-depressants' clearly scrawled across the label, 'Prescribed to Marie Dion.' I then picked up the small box, I didn't check the name I just saw "perfect for aches in the head and limbs." I shrugged and threw them back then gulping down some water. It would take at least 20 minutes for these to even kick in. I should just go to bed.

Remembering my bag, I went downstairs to retrieve it. Suddenly a knock came to the door, I froze on the stairs holding my glare on the window beside the door. Another knock sounded out through the house. I slowly crept down and quietly unlatched the door, carefully I opened it. There was Luke. Before I could do anything he spoke.

"Please listen Jennifer, that wasn't me." Fear took over my body, making my hands tremble. 

"I promise, let me explain." I couldn't speak.

I saw he was holding me bag.

"I found this in my driveway," He gingerly handed me the small, black bag.

Tears threatened to spill down my cheeks, so many emotions were running through me right now. Fear, anger, shock. I didn't know what to think, he seemed so humble right now. Like he would never hurt anything. Sub-consciously my hand traced the split, raised skin on my head.

"Did.. Did I do that?" Hurt in his eyes.

I just nodded.

"I'm so sorry Jennifer." Before I could react, his large arms wrapped around my small frame. I didn't want to push him away. His soft jumper brushed my skin, and his hair tickled my ear. Why was I letting the guy who nearly put me in a hospital, hug me? Pushing him away harshly, I went to close the door.

He stuck his foot in the door's path just as it was about to shut.

"The shed." He spoke, calmly.

Them words was enough to stop me dead in my tracks.


"The shed." He repeated himself.

"Let me in and I'll tell you." He bribed.

I was hesitant about his next move. He pushed against the door anyway, forcing me to move out of the way. 

"Sorry.." He muttered as I composed myself and shut the door behind him.

"Just tell me, I don't want to talk to you really." I quietly spoke as I wiped my left eye with the sleeve of my bloodied jumper.

"I'm really sorry Jennifer."

I shook my head and continued on into the kitchen and he followed. I motioned to him to take a seat opposite me. I pulled my hands inside my jumper, shivering.

"Tell me." I instructed him again as he sat down, folding his arms.

"It started when I was about six, it was one of the only memories that sticks out in my mind."

Why is he telling me some bullshit story from his childhood?

"Sergio, my brother, had friends around here but I didn't so I used to make my own games. And one of them was racing over the fence of my house, over to your back garden, into yours and back again before the scary man saw me."

What scary man?

"And one day I heard banging, coming from a locked up shed in the back. I was too small to reach the handle, and even if I was tall enough there was a big lock on it, eliminating any access. There was one little hole in the back, so I decided to go try look in and see what it was. I first poked my finger through and something soft touch it, it felt like a hand. A young girl's voice spoke, she said help. I tried my best to get her out but it didn't work."

That's why the doll and teddies were there. I pieced together information as the story unraveled.

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