I could also see that he was writing a good bye note as well. Looks like he was gonna leave soon. I began opening up all the drawers, searching through the heaps of papers before finding a glass case with the gun inside. I didn't have time to break it so I grabbed the entire case as we crept out of the office and headed to the kitchen. I was scared shitless as I heard a loud crashing noise come from that direction. I power walked to the exit when I heard a familiar scream. "Alicia no!" I heard Lira yell (A/N whoops). I can't let her get killed. I turned and walked towards the kitchen. I peered around the corner and saw the killer stabbing her friend to pieces. She was paralyzed with fear as she stood by. Justen covered my mouth as I turned to him and saw that his eyes were closed. I quickly kissed him letting him know that I was still here with. 

  I peeked back around the corner, I saw him approaching Lira. I quickly turned to Justen and motioned for him to grab something. Once he did that I said a silent prayer as I threw the water bottle and ducked out of the way. Like clockwork, the killer came running out as Justen clocked his ass with a thick 2x4. Where did he find that in such a short time, I have no idea but I'm glad he did. "Lira get up and grab that case on the wall! Hurry up!" I yelled to her as she did just that. "Let's go." I said as he hauled ass out the cafeteria. I almost ran fell Shion's blood. I called out to Justen as I jumped. He caught me and we continued our run out of there. " Run near the trees!" I yelled as we all did a sharp turn in that direction. For those of you that probably think that was dumb, it's not. I throws him off our trail instead of leading him directly to us. I stopped us again and told everyone to take their shoes off. Take no chances bih.

  Once we finally made it back to my place, we all took a moment to catch our breath. "You made it back." Marlon said as he looked at me then Lira. A searing pain shot through my shoulder. "Shit!" I yelled as knelt down on the floor. "Lemme see." Justen said as he walked over to me. "Shit, it looks like you busted your stitches open." he said as he picked me up and carried me upstairs. "Sit still Rylee I might have to redo your stitches again." he said as he took my shirt off of me. He then removed the bloody gauze pads and went into the bathroom to retrieve the first aid kit again. "Hand me a pillow." I said before he sat down. I'm definitely gonna need it this time around. I as soon as he dabbed the alcohol on my shoulder, I immediately bit the pillow. He continued to do this until the cotton balls were no longer red (thank god they were the big ones). "Let's take a look at now." he said as he looked at my shoulder. 

   "OK so it lookes like your stitches are fine so I don't have to redo them but Rylee you have to be more careful." he said as I wiped the tears from my eyes. I kissed him as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm sorry if I'm scaring you. I just can't afford to die here." I said as he leaned his head against mine. "Same here. We're going to make it out of here. By any means necessary." he said as we hugged. He finished reapplying the gauze before putting everything back and tossing me a new shirt. "I gotta put some peroxide on this one before you can wear it again." he said as I got up. Once he was done everything I grabbed his hand a walked downstairs. "OK so Lira told me how you saved her I just wanted to say thank you for that." Marlon said as I saw the flare guns in his hand. "How did you get that open?" I asked as he pulled out this little tool. "A certified glass breaker. Guaranteed to break glass with no sound and little mess." he smiled. 

  I'm not even gonna ask how he even got that. I turned to Lira. "What were you doing in kitchen?" I asked her. "We were running a little low on food so we decided to stock up on a few things before heading back to our building. I didn't know he was in there and now because of me, Alicia is dead." she said as she began to cry. "It's not your fault. You didn't know he would be there." I said as I rubbed circles on her back. I should've gotten some food for us too.  We've been eating smart so we still have a few things here. It's enough but for how long? "What were you guys doing there?" she asked me. "Grabbing things for our survival." I simply said as she nodded her head. "Marlon keep them in a safe place until its time. For now, everyone go back to what I had said earlier. No lights on for longer then 10 min. If you got movies on your phone, tablet whatever, use headphones. If you using the TV, turn the volume completely down. We want to give off the impression that this building is empty. Lira you can sleep on the couch." I said as everyone nodded their heads.

  "I'm so proud of you babe." Justen said as he smiled at me. We're getting out of here, that's a promise. 

 Just a little something I whipped up for you guys.

How am I doing? 






Me? (Say something smart I dare you. Nah go easy on me lol)    

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