Chapter 16--Second Place Is For Losers

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Myrielle hurried through the palace's royal gardens, following the direction of the orange trees to a sunny terrace up ahead.

It hadn't been that long ago that she'd stood in front of the town square's bookshop, thinking about Cinderella's story and how it just might change her life. While she hadn't gotten the chance to read the famous book, she was only nine contestants away from marrying the prince. It all seemed great on paper, but between the lines she not only lacked the womanly wiles needed to attract the prince...but he'd openly compared her to a pig.

So why would he want a piggish girl as a candidate for a wife? None of it made sense, and the judges must've noticed the discrepancy too, as Fairy Godmother had summoned her to the garden in the middle of the day.

The sun shone brightly in a turquoise sky, making it hard to believe this might be the day when they revoke her top ten status and toss her back into the village.

She approached an empty table and glanced around but no one was there. While she'd refused a servant escort so she wouldn't run into Fredrick, she'd been given precise directions by his second in command. Either she'd taken a wrong turn at the orange trees or Fairy Godmother was late.

She took a seat and fidgeted nervously, hoping this would all be over soon.

Fairy Godmother emerged through the trees a few seconds later, lumbering towards the table before plopping into her seat.

Myrielle was unexpectedly captivated by her presence. "Fairy Godmother..." she marveled, her nervousness over-powered by the rareness of this close-up encounter. As she watched Fairy Godmother struggle to catch her breath, she realized she'd never seen her fly, or float around, or do anything magical at all. She was curious to find out why but it was a terrible time to ask.

"Good of you to come," Fairy Godmother said, not yet sounding slurred which was a rare occurrence. She waved her magic wand in the air with a flourish. "Tea!"

Myrielle pre-emptively gasped at the many ways that the tea might magically appear. Out of thin air? In a shower of glitter? Poured straight from the wand?

Reality turned out to be nothing more than a servant walking towards them with a tray of tea.

Fairy Godmother noticed Myrielle studying her wand and stuffed it into her cloak. "He had no tray of tea before I said that," she said. "It just...appeared!"

Myrielle nodded slowly as the servant poured the tea; she should've been relieved that it wasn't Fredrick, but if this meeting was truly the decision to revoke her status...she felt a sudden longing to see him for a final time, a feeling she only seemed to have when it was already too late.

"You're probably wondering why I asked you here," Fairy Godmother said, sipping the tea and then wincing since it wasn't a cup of booze.

"I do have some idea," she replied, squinting through the trees to try and spot the king's guard. They were likely awaiting the signal to take her away, dressed in some high-quality orange-tree camouflage that kept them hidden from view.

"I'm surprised that you figured it out," Fairy Godmother admitted.

Myrielle lowered her head. "It isn't too hard to understand that I don't fit in here."

Fairy Godmother smirked. "To be fair, none of you belong here. But that's not what this is about." She grinned. "You're here because I see your potential!"

Myrielle slowly raised her head. "My what?"

"Sit up straight," Fairy Godmother instructed. Myrielle straightened her shoulders. "Now brush that hair away from your face." She obeyed. "Now sip your tea like a lady." She did that too and Fairy Godmother nodded. "You see? With a little help from me you'll win that crown in no time!"

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