Chapter 4--A Royal Announcement

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Outside the castle's gate, King Gastronso escorted his guests back out to their carriage.

"It's a splendid solution," he said beaming. "Give King Edward my thanks!"

He watched them settle in, slapped his hand on the carriage's window and sent them off.

As the carriage rolled away, he stood there waving and grinning like a man-child full of glee.

The king waddled back to the inner gate where the queen and prince awaited him.

"Shall we celebrate?" the king asked earnestly. "Perhaps with a fresh cherry pie?"

"Celebrate?" The prince scoffed and shook his head. "What we need to do is avoid this scheme altogether." The prince seemed deeply offended by whatever had been proposed in the dining hall. A shudder passed through his body and it had nothing to do with the crisp night air.

"I'd hardly call this gift we're receiving a scheme!" the king said happily. "Unless of're content to keep living in Prince Charming's shadow..."

The queen laughed bitterly. "Honestly dear, we can't have that."

"So what then?!" cried the prince in typical teenage angst. "I can only make my mark by scraping the barrel? Is that the plan?!"

"Would you rather see our kingdom crumble?" the king countered. "Crumble like the dry and overcooked lemon cake the royal baker's apprentice made that afternoon last fall?" He shook his head disapprovingly. "I hope the dungeon life is teaching him a lesson."

The queen dug her nails into the king's arm. "Focus darling."

The king winced in pain. "Yes of course." He rubbed his arm where the queen had nearly stabbed him with her nail forks, before turning to the prince with a fatherly smile. "My dear wouldn't want to see the kingdom fall, would you? A kingdom that could one day be...yours?" As soon as the king said the words, the prize of royal succession flashed in the prince's eyes, and it was all that it took for the king to become paranoid. "Not that I plan on dying anytime soon!" he quickly added. "Not for years...decades even! Not as long as I have butter by my side." He noticed the queen's confusion. "A scoop of butter with every meal keeps the joints nice and limber." Impossibly, he started hopping around like a gymnast. "I read about it in the royal chronicle's wellness and lifestyle column." He watched as the queen shook her head in disgust. "You're going to feel very silly when your bones start snapping in two."

"Father for goodness sake!" the prince cried.

The king stared at him blankly, unaware of any problem or issue. "Yes?"

The prince took a long calming breath. "Of course you'll be around for several decades, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't start preparing for my role." He frowned. "And frankly that doesn't include making a mockery of my reputation." He crossed his arms. "I won't have it."

The king and queen exchanged a series of intense stares and angled eyebrows. Without a word spoken they came to a silent agreement.

The king turned back to the prince, smiling broadly now. "It's wonderful to hear that you're ready to take the reins, and on that can start by preparing for your role with King Edward's solution." The prince groaned but the king wasn't finished. He took a long look at the prince from head to toe. "Get rest. Brush your hair. Consume butter."

With the issue now settled, the king and queen made their way back inside, united in their quest to save the kingdom at any cost.

"I could lead a coup and overthrow you all!" cried the prince.

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