seventeen point two;

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She almost stopped walking when her head convinced her that she had to play it cool. Damn right, she missed him too. So much. As grateful as she was that his condition was better, but he had stopped the counseling session with her father and that left her with no reason to see him anymore.

She wanted to say the exact same thing but she was tongue-tied.

"I'm so sorry for the past few months and for every mess I had ever put you through," Yiseul lifted her head up to see him. His eyes were tender and full of sincerity. "And I'm so thankful for you. You helped me facing my fears, you're always there when I need you. I'm so thankful to have my days brighten up by you."

They were just walking around the block and now they had arrived in front of her house again. That made them have no choice but to face each other.

Yiseul carefully looked into his eyes. They were sparkly. It was as if the non-existent stars that night had decided to have his eyes as their new galaxy. His hair seemed luscious that she wanted to run her hands through them. She was staring at his lips when realization hit her. I like him.

He was beautiful. Breathtaking. And Yiseul had to look away if she didn't want her heart to swell with more pain.

"Are we fine now?" he asked and she nodded. She couldn't believe she was so fast to forgive him.

"As long as you promise me you wouldn't ever be like this again," she replied.

Wonwoo nodded. They remained silent in their place. As awkward as it was, Yiseul much preferred that situation because she didn't want him to leave, yet.

"Seul-ah," he called and she looked at him who was nervously fiddling with his fingers. Wait, he walked all the way to her house in the cold without bringing a hot pack?

"Wonwoo, you didn't bring a hot pack, did you? Let me get you one," she said. Just when she was about to take off, he reached for her hand, holding her back.

She was flustered when he intertwined his fingers with hers. His cold hands that made a contact with her warm hands gave an unexplainable sensation. Like a firework that's about to explode.

Their eyes met for a long time and it took everything in her not to look away and explode. His soft gaze was too much, she just wanted to bring him to her embrace in this cold.

"I like you."

The girl froze on her spot, seeming like she just got struck by a lightning. Was it all too sudden? Or was she too surprised because she was thinking about the exact same thing a few minutes ago?

Those three words had caused heart to thump so loud and start leaping out of her chest. It was too much for her to handle. After ignoring each other for months, he suddenly showed up in front of her, stating a shocking confession when she was about to leave—not only for Jeju but also for college.

Yiseul calmed herself down, breathing in and out in an even pattern. She slowly let go of Wonwoo's hand as she tried to think clearly.

"You can't just confess when I'm leaving," said she. No matter how she convinced herself to think logically, a part of herself was just way too gleeful that her smile kept trying to break away from her restraint.

"I'm not expecting an answer, I'm just here to release the burden that has been on my shoulders for like forever," he replied reassuringly.

There was no way not to give him an answer when in fact, she liked him too. She just couldn't let him go home unanswered and leave with her feelings untold. "I want to give you an answer."

This time, Wonwoo was the one freezing on his spot. Their hearts were beating too loud, they were scared the other could hear it. Yiseul had opened her mouth a couple of times, but due to her inability to form a humane sentence, she closed it again and went back to her silent state.

"I-I like you too. But I'm scared of what might happen in the future. Tomorrow I'm leaving for Jeju. A lot can happen in five days, we don't even know what a second later holds and I'm just," she babbled, hoping that Wonwoo could get her point.

What she was most afraid of was honestly Wonwoo ignoring her again. The quick change of his behavior sometimes was too much for her.

"If one of your concern is me ignoring you again, it won't happen. I'll wait for you and I swear I won't let it happen again."

Looking up at him, she gulped. His eyes were stern yet soft. There was the same fire like when he was talking about his favorite books. It wasn't like he had the intention to hurt her anyway, so why not give it a try, right?

"How would I know that you'd stay true to your words?" she hesitated.

With one subtle move, Wonwoo pulled her closer. He tilted his head and leaned closer to her until Yiseul could feel his breath. It was the first time ever in her life to feel comfortable having someone being this close with her. When her cheeks were cold from the touch his hands made, her heart beat the fastest it had ever been, because she knew what was coming.

It seemed that he had successfully casted a spell on her for Yiseul copied his action. The next thing she felt was his lips on hers and how they made her dizzy.

They were dry as the cold made them, but that didn't matter because when they grazed hers, warmth spread through her veins like a wildfire and sparked the fireworks in her chest.

The kiss was short, but it left her breathless and blushing. It was like most first kisses; awkward and exciting as watching the first snow falling. She liked the feeling of it.

"It was to seal the deal," Wonwoo said when they broke apart from the kiss.

At this rate, Yiseul's cheeks already felt like boiling. But that seemed to amuse him because a chuckle just escaped from his lips. The lips I had just kissed. Just by the thought of it had already made her flustered.

"You're cute when you blush," he smiled and Yiseul had to quickly run her hands to her cheeks and change the subject.

"It's a deal then."



the last chapter of this book

can i sob this book took a long time to finish

but anyway i'd like to appreciate everyone who reads this book and gives it lots of love. thank you so much for liking it although this still lacks and it really took a long time to update. THANK YOU♡

silver lining » wonwooNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ