seventeen point one;

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"Gotcha!" Hyungsuk giggled, hitting the back of her hand as he put down his bag then ran back inside.

Yiseul rolled her eyes. She herself was overwhelmed carrying her own bag for their five days stay in Jeju, yet her brother wasn't being cooperative enough to carry his own belonging to the car, which was only a few steps away from the porch.

That was just a speck of inconvenience for her consecutive good mood to be ruined by how childish he was. She just needed to do what needed to be done, it was all that simple.

The college entrance exam had just passed that day and apart of the results, Yiseul already did her best. It was a good thing that her father didn't pressure her into getting in some certain university. Plus, it was very generous of him to take his days off and surprise them by taking them to a trip to Jeju.

Kang siblings were bouncing off the walls upon hearing the news that they started jumping in excitement and gaining attention from their surroundings. Yiseul, sincerely, couldn't care less although she was aware that she was jumping in front of her school where her friends could be watching.

After months of being stressed out, it was a relief that the exam had finally passed although it was incredibly tiring. But everything seemed to fall into places and it felt nice.

Everything except whatever happened between her and Wonwoo.

Neither she nor Wonwoo had the guts to fix everything—if there was anything to fix at all. Now that they were parting, she might as well forget him and let everything go despite how hurt it was to drift apart with no last word nor a mere explanation.

The girl shook her head, trying to rid her mind from the thoughts of him as she hummed to happy tunes. It was all what it was. There was no use to mourn over things that were never once hers.

The day got darker as the wind blew stronger. Her father had already turned the lights inside their house and Yiseul picked her speed to transmit all their stuffs into the car. They would depart for Jeju tomorrow morning so it would be good if she reduced her time thinking and use it to rest instead.

"Crap," she hissed under her breath, closing her eyes when she nearly reached their car.

Someone had just appeared out of nowhere and now stood beside the car. She almost dropped Hyungsuk's heavy bag and her heart was beating fast, thinking it was someone unreal.

When her mind could make it out that what her eyes saw was only Wonwoo, she slowly opened them and there he was in front of her. His skin was beaming under the dim light of the night, his long hair she remembered seen last time was now a fresh cut, still disheveled though. He was already giving a college student vibe with his long brown coat over a two tone sweatshirt.

Still her heart swelled with the sight of him. She couldn't tell if her heart did it out of pain or joy. Even now, her own feeling was hard to understand; she didn't know if she was actually glad to see him again, or if she wished for him not to appear in front of her anymore.

She proceeded to do her undone task, ignoring the figure she missed the most for the past few months.

"I wish you were mad at me," he said. Though she was taken aback, but Yiseul chose to ignore it, arranging the stuffs in the trunk so it would be a little tidier.

Of course she was mad at him. So mad that sometimes she had to hold back the anger that had melted into tears. Who wouldn't be mad if they were to be ignored for no reason?

Then Wonwoo remained silent, as if giving her the chance to speak. And she did have a lot to say, but she was too tired and it was too late to let him know everything she felt. So, she let the wind take over.

"I know I looked like I was ignoring you for the past few months but trust me, I was not," he convinced her, but a smile was held back due to the fact that she could hear the hint of nervousness in his voice. Just like the Wonwoo she first knew.

"Is that all?" she asked, closing the trunk with a loud thump. "Because it's cold and I need to get back inside. You too go home."

"I was thinking about a lot of things. Us, and if I really am worthy for you."

With that said, Yiseul stopped in her tracks. She was just halfway through the path when her instinct forced her to turn back and face him who was looking at her hopefully.

"What is it that you wanted to say?" she demanded. His words had got the best of her curiosity. She was anticipating what he had to say next.

But it seems that there was going to be a lot to the story, so Yiseul took the lead to have a little stroll.

"Before I had a decision to take a break from our friendship," his fingers motioned a quotation sign when he uttered the word break. "Someone in class said that I was too much of a chicken and I don't deserve to be friends with you."

"I thought you were selective enough to let what people say get into you," she mindlessly snapped but Wonwoo eyed her to listen to what happened next.

"Well at that time I felt a little discouraged because yeah, I know I'm such a coward and you're you, bright, amazing, brave, smart," Yiseul blushed at the compliment addressed toward her. "But who was I kidding? You're like the sky I can never reach."

She put her hands in the pocket of her jacket. The weather had just become colder. As much as she wanted to hear his explanations, she didn't like this atmosphere. Not when he talked so modestly about himself when he was the moon she adored.

"I was, for some time, thinking about ending our friendship until I realized what that person said isn't worth to bring our friendship to an end," he said, somehow sounding hesitant when he said friendship.

"That's right," she murmured, causing him to chuckle. "I can't believe you even thought of throwing away what he had just like that."

"I can't believe myself either," he said. They were walking side by side, sometimes their arms touched and although they were covered by thick layers of fabric, Yiseul could feel her cheeks heating. "I'm so sorry."

Yiseul nodded. They took a glance at each other but looked away as fast as their eyes met. The next thing he said caught her off guard. "I missed you."


wow thank you to everyone who still reads this tHERE'S ONLY ONE MORE CHAPTER LEFT SMFGSJLDFK

also seventeen is coming back today wydt im really going to cry as i bop to the song it's gonna be the album of life

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