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"Right now?" Yiseul asked to the tall figure in front of her, dumbfounded by his sudden request.

Just a few weeks ago he would freeze and sweat whenever the topic of amusement park brought up, yet here the boy was, standing in front of her house, and asking her out to an amusement park.

Even if this was a part of his recovery, it was just too out of the blue and Yiseul felt somehow both bewildered and ominous.

"Yes, but you know, it is okay if you don't want to," he said, unintentionally showing his puppy eyes.

As confusing as it was, Yiseul just couldn't let the hope in his eyes die. She, then, ran into her house after telling him to wait. She didn't even consider if this was a good or a bad choice. But this could only be a good sign, right? Otherwise, he wouldn't force himself to do something that was out of his reach.

After changing her clothes, Yiseul rushed outside to meet Wonwoo. The two of them went off after she was reassured that Hyungsuk could take care of himself at home.

She was worried if anything happened to him if she left him alone, though it wasn't the first time. Instead, he looked happy that he was given the time to be alone at home. And even though Wonwoo asked him to join them, that idea didn't seem to tempt him at all. His reason was that he wanted to have some me-time which automatically made Yiseul roll her eyes.

Throughout their way to the amusement park, none of them took the initiative to start a conversation.

In the bus, both of them looked a little bit off, being busy with their own thoughts. Yiseul was still wondering why he asked to go to the amusement park in all of a sudden. Of course it was a progress that he took a step out of the fright that had been haunting him, but still, something about it made her uneasy.

As for the boy, his thoughts were full of things he couldn't utter.

On one hand, he was questioning himself whether he could overcome his fear or not. It still felt unreal for him to even bring up anything amusement park related.

On the other hand though, he was sure that there was a chance for him to be able to do this. Yiseul was there and somehow that was enough.

"You know, you really didn't have to go if you didn't want to. I'd feel bad if you're forced to go just because of me," he spoke up, furrowing his eyebrows. Yiseul looked up at him, giving him a slight smile.

"It's totally fine, don't worry," she reassured, making a smile appear on his face.

Silence almost consumed the two of them again, until he was reminded of her brother. "Will Hyungsuk be okay?"

"It's not the first time I left him alone, so he should be fine," she answered, sounding like she was convincing herself rather than him.

Wonwoo nodded. And until their stop, they only had some small talks.


"Here we are!" Yiseul cheered joyfully as soon as they got off the bus. They hadn't even arrived yet, because they still had to walk a few blocks to reach the entrance.

For some reason, she felt like being extremely talkative at this moment. Maybe it was the vibe that gave her this kind of excitement.

"This is so going to be fun!" she squealed, all the concerns that were in their head disappearing. "The last time I went here with dad and Hyungsuk, we didn't get to try all the rides."

The wind blew softy, stroking their faces and playing with the strands of their hair. Wonwoo, who heard her babbling ever since then, could only give her some side glances and small smiles without her noticing.

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