SCAR MAN: "You promised me big."

YOONGI: "He promised me bigger."

The scar man scoffed annoyingly with a smile on his face.

SCAR MAN: "Now, now. That is between you and him—"

A bullet shot right through his head from behind.

Hyebin gasped in terrify when blood spatters onto her face and the scar man fell down onto the ground right next to her.

He is dead, for sure.

???: "My apologies."

Another man appeared behind the dark shadow.

He is more pleasant and younger looking than the scar man but the evilness in his eyes is no joke at all.

And out of the dark shadow behind him, was his group of bodyguards.

KIHYUN: "I'll teach my men their lesson, for not doing their job right."

And with a snap of fingers, those men that was having their gun pointed at Yoongi's group of men, got shot one by one.

Hyebin flinched at each shot and lowered her head down to her knees as she was squatting down in between both Mafia gangs, none of them seem to care about her presences at all.

Kihyun gestured his fingers and a man from behind him walked up to his side and held out a black suit case.

KIHYUN: "It's all in here. Show me what I came for and this is yours."

Yoongi's slightly tilted his head and one of his men stepped forward and then grabbed onto Hyebin's arm.

She flinched frighteningly at his touch but before she knew it, he jerked her up onto her feet and dragged her back behind Yoongi.

A teasing smirk appeared on Yoongi's lip and his dark, cold eyes made contact with the man standing before him.

YOONGI: "I told you already, didn't I? I don't play games."

The look on Kihyun's face turned upside down.

No more talking. No more waiting.

All the men from behind each of their boss came running toward each other and there's nothing bloodier that she has ever seen than this.


Men shed their blood, men gave their life, men were badly injured, but Yoongi came back to his office without a speck of blood on him as if nothing had happened.

HYEBIN: "President Min, this is not what I applied for."

She strolled furiously into his office right behind him.

HYEBIN: "And what I saw today, selling drug and slaughtering men kind, this is an illegal act."

YOONGI: "Just because you live in a clean world, that doesn't mean everybody else does too."

HYEBIN: "But to the point of killing each other? You all are grown men; can't you just make an agreement like an adult?"

YOONGI: "Those men gave their life to me when they sign up for the job and I take full responsibility for their death. I know it may seem cruel to you, but that is just how this world works."

Her chest heaved up and down and she couldn't find the right words to express how she feels at the moment.

HYEBIN: "This is bull."

She mumbled softly underneath her breath.

YOONGI: "The whole world is, Miss Lee Hyebin. If you don't kill... you'll be the one getting kill."

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